
Girls rugby is it taken seriously??

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is it something you would actually pay to go watch like mens rugby or mens football, or is it just seen as some joke??




  1. I don't think it cosidered to be a professional pursuit like the mens game is now at the top level. Its more like the good old days when the players had other jobs and just played because they love the game. I'd pay to watch the Black Ferns play but not much more than 10 bucks.

  2. It doesn't have the same status as men's rugby but I definitely watch it when it's on Sky....I would pay to watch the Black Ferns...but nothing over 20

  3. girls rugbys problem is not so much player or local popularity but instead the willingness of people outside of new zealand to accept the sport and start paying to watch watch it either at ground level or on pay per view. I compare it New Zealand's netball where it is celebrated as a flourishing sport but elsewhere it doesn't batter an eyelid or breath a whisper. Netball only has one other strong team (the ozzies) and a bunch of seemingly club teams at international level. Would people see womens rugby as simply trying to emulate what mens rugby is already doing and to a lesser quality? This could r****d any sort of marketing potential in the sport. On the field it would be and probably is regarded as a serious sport but popularity struggling. Maybe womens rugby needs to take a leaf out of internatinal womens soccer to start something.

  4. It is getting better every year. Long way to go to catch up with the mens and will probably never catch up. But great to watch I watch allot of woman's club rugby and my team quite often trains with our woman's team and they can hold there own, we don't do live scrums etc but skill level is high. Would pay to watch as game is skill full and fast.

  5. I would hope it is not seen as a joke. There are many skilled women athletes out there that can give and take a hit better than a lot of men.

    Men play a faster game and it's more physical. Women play the game slower but I've seen a lot of great decision making which makes the games awesome to watch.

    I played for 2 years in high school (in Washington State) and it's popularity is growing steadily in the US. I would pay to watch women and men play. It's a great sport.

  6. girls rugby is not professional sports  yet ,they are more a social side to rugby  , very popoular in new zealand ,,,

  7. the players take it seriously, including the male ones.  in a lot of areas there just doesn't seem to be enough prevalance to have enough teams to make a leauge, so there are a lot of exibition games.  we enjoy having some females around durring the 3rd half as well, although,   In America be prepared if your a female player to have at least 50% of the females on your team be L*****n, i don't say this to be any bit negitive, it just seems to be a fact, if your one of those over judgmental other people's lives are my business types of people, you probbably won't fit in.

  8. Many people go and watch them.The NZs sevens team is quite good.I would watch it. Hay it is rugby.Some guys think that Netball is for Girls only.Many guys think rugby is a mens sport but i just tell them that some boys play netball for their school.

  9. At a non-professional level, most women's rugby teams are not taken as seriously as men's.  I speak from experience.  But when the quality (and quantity) of players increase, so does the respect.  

    Men's rugby may be more fun to watch at a more local level.  But I admire the talented women's rugby players. However, to convince me to PAY to see a women's match would require them to be at the level that someone is sponsoring them...if someone else thinks they're good enough to pay to support their playing- then i'll pay to watch them.

    That could also be just because i'm a poor college student

  10. no its not taken looks like a bunch of people are running in waste deep of water

  11. I think it is of mind burrowing seriousness and a absolute necessity to see supple young ladies cavorting in tight tops and shorts, rolling around in the mud and wrestling ea other. I mean, COME NOW, who wouldn't pay top dollar to see a spectacle like THAT?!?!

  12. Rugby is the second most popular women's sport in North America and its growing more and more in non-traditional rugby countries.  At the university I coach at (in Canada) we have two women's teams and they're awesome girls, only two lesbians in total as well.  In New Zealand, my university had one women's team and the entire backline was g*y.

    You have to be aware its not as good as mens rugby.  At club level the women just aren't as strong as the men and so the passes are shorter and the game is slower, but its definately worth playing and watching.

    International level its pretty entertaining, The Black Ferns are wicked. I was on the plane with them and they're very attractive young ladies.  The rugby is worth paying to see, I'd pay Super 14 prices for a Black Ferns match but it'll always be a smaller sport than men's rugby.

  13. its a joke!

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