
Girls who have sisters. HELP!?

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I have a bossy know-it-all nosey sister who always gets in my stuff. I am 12 years old and she is 14 years old and we share a room in a apartment. I need my own privicy because i cant even write about my boyfriend in my diary without her reading it out loud to my partents. Any advice?




  1. I have 3 sisters and they do this **** all the time FOREVER!!!!!...=(  

    well my 18 year old sister doesnt..shes above it but anyways i guess the main thing is dont write in your diary..i know this sucks but if she finds read it which isnt cool.

    if you have a computer, get like a flask drive and keep your diary on there...this way she can only read it if she has a computer and the drive! and you dont have to use the computer at your house..write at the library or a friends or something. They are pretty cheap and easy to use. Check a best buy or meijer by your house for prices. Also you can use it for school and put slide shows on there and  stuff but anyways...

    idk what your room is like but maybe you can one of those beds where the bed is on top and a desk is below...this way you can hang beads there to give you some privacy since you cant have your own space. Also, if i couldnt get away id write on the apartment stairs or if you have a club house or something..this way you dont have to really leave to get privacy and your parents wont mind..

    idk thats what id do

    good luck sisters are mean sometimes =/ but just know that when she gets a little older maybe itlll stop..also dont be mean to her back. Kill her with kindness..she'll be jealous of you and soon want to be like you. Talk to her about it or leave her a note...she might not realize how much it bothers you.. i know that sounds ridiculous but one of my sisters does this stuff because she thinks its funny...believe it or not thats just how she is and shes always been pretty mean and sarcastic but it wouldnt be her if she didnt. also, she might ease up if she knew it bothered you so much...also tell your parents. they can help with the privacy thing

    idk good luck =/

  2. same situation

    im 13

    my sister is 15 =/

    she gets into all my clothes and stuff

    then when i borrow ONE shirt she blows up in my face

    ive just learned to ignore it

    she will eventually get bored of annoying you if you act like you dont care

    but for now, i would pretend to write in your current journal, but write boring stuff i it

    then have a separate hidden journal that no one knows about for all your personal stuff

    eventually your sister will get bored of the boring stuff your writing in your fake journal

    good luck :)

    trust me, shes gonna start being nicer to you next year

    cuz my sister was a LOT worse when we were 11/13 and 12/14, but is a LOT nicer now that were 13/15

    i think your sister just has some growing up to do

    soon, you'll be like best friends

  3. Hmm.. get everything with a lock?

    Or you can buy a little lock box to put anything you don't want her getting her hands on in.

    Maybe talk to her?

  4. That sucks that you sont get your own room. You should talk to her and your parents about how you need them to respect your privacy.  

  5. get a lock on your diary or ask your parent to have a space you can lock away from your sister. tell them you just need privary.

  6. tell her to get off and she like comments comment back and if she wants to fight knuckle up but im a boy so i cant do that to my sister

  7. tell her she needs to grow up, then go to your parents and tell them everything about your sister giving you a hard time!!!

  8. I can relate to your problem! I had an older sister who used to go through my stuff too. She found my diary and read it. The next day I went out in the woods and burned my diary then I buried it. I know thats a little extreme but, I felt that I would never get the privacy I deserved. Good luck!  

  9. For christmas buy a safe box that requires a padlock or a combination, and lock her OUT of it! OR tell your parents you need privacy from her.

  10. I would be more angry at your parents for allowing such rude and disrespectful behavior on your sisters part. I think you should show this to them.  

  11. well write somewhere privet like a bathroom then have a special hiding spot for your diary that's what i did when my sister would leave me alone.

  12. well both of you are old enough to have your own rooms your parents maybe just trying to save money. I had the same problem with my sister when I was younger the best thing to do is when she is not in the room or whenever you are alone just try to rite down the most important things in your diary but first get a diary with a combination lock on it Im sure they have some of those things a some where.  

  13. Oh, I remember when I was your age, my sister and I are the same years apart that you and your sister are.  Well, let me tell you, you two are sisters, ya'll are arguing like sisters and frankly it wont stop until you both get a little may not be able to stand the sight of your big sis right now but later you will look back on this and laugh about how you two used to give each other such a hard time...Im sorry I dont have any advice on getting her to stop, but I went through it too and wouldnt trade those times for the world...just try to enjoy her company while you have her around, ya'll wont live together forever.

  14. Yeah...what "slaarwalhz" said. Get a safe box with number lock or mechanical lock. And tell your parents to tell her that being a peeping tom is a cheap character weakness.


  16. you might ask your parents to get you a trunk that you can put at the bottom of the bed to keep locked Lock everything you do not want her to get.  I would also get a lock and key or a lock with numbers wear the key around your neck on a chain.  You can not help the fact that you have to share but it might be easier if you have a place to lock up your things.  When asking your parents make it clear that this is what you need for your privacy.

  17. Try separating your room with curtains or something so you each have your own halves and ask your parents to talk to her about it. You're a human too and you deserve her respect and some privacy.

  18. take a walk, go to the park, in 10 years she will be your best and only friend this phase will pass

  19. The lock box sounds like a good idea.

    When I was your age (22 years ago) it was politically correct to punch her in the mouth. Today that is not such a good idea.

    or you could make up a super secrete code/language and write in that.

    you could give her a taste of her own medicine

    throw water on her in her sleep the next time she does that to you

    tell her she is being a jerk and you would really like her to stop.

    or pray together

    Good luck

    God bless

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