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r there enough of us out there that r american. cause people are saying the koreans are taing over the girls pga.?




  1. well, get better and get on the tour...Go USA WOMEN!!!

  2. The golf ball does not care what the nationality of the person holding the club.  It just goes where it is hit.

    The Koreans are very serious about the sport and have become very good at it, both on the LPGA and PGA.  They are exciting to watch and to learn the game.

    Yes, I would like to see more American women on the LPGA with the talents to be as successful as the Koreans.  Please notice that it is not only the Koreans that are getting very good at golf, many other countries have taken to this sport and have gotten very good.

  3. There aren't enough American girls playing golf at any level.  Too many want to play softball and basketball.  Not many realize that if a girl consistently shot in the mid to upper 80's while in high school, she could get a college golf scholarship.  There is plenty of Title IX money for womens golf that goes unused.

  4. If you read the interviews with any of the new breed of South Korean LPGA players, they all talk about how Se Ri Pak caught their attention and caused them to become interested in the game. A lot of them moved to the USA or went to college here to hone their skills and get better, because there still are not very many courses in Korea and the game there (as in Japan) is prohibitively expensive.

    It wouldn't surprise me if Mexico sees a similar thing happen because of Lorena Ochoa. American girls just don't seem to be as interested in the game. Maybe if we had another Nancy Lopez come along and capture the attention of the pre-teens, we'd see more American girls get interested in the game at a young age.

    Even Annika Sorenstam was not a golfer at a young age in Sweden; she was a tennis champion who later took up golf, so if the athletes are there, they just need something to get them to look at golf.

  5. There are plenty of American girls on the tour but they aren't trained the way that the Korean girls are while they are at younger ages & in their primary development stages. Overseas, talent can be taught and developed as the girls start younger & their sport becomes almost a job, even at a young age. The American contingent, although they are developed @ acadamies, are given more freedoms to find themselves and develop in more areas of life. The American girls are more well rounded on certain levels but they just don't have the supreme focus drilled into them that many of the foreign players do while they are coming up.

  6. without dropping into sterotypes on the "asian invasion" i would have to say the american women golfer is rare on the tour well at least a good one.....i also believe that the asian influence on the sport has much to do with a very strict lifestyle tought by the parents of good asian golfers.....the parents of there culture are very pushy to most of the kids to excell in many subjects and stride for perfection....which could be considered a good and bad thing....(for example Michell Wie) this is much like the spanish islander upcomming influence (cuba, pureto rico, etc) on american baseball

  7. there arent enough american women on the pga tour.  and until an american woman steps up and starts winning, and think the drought will stick around
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