
Girly post partum question...

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Was wondering what in the world is going on! My son is 5 months old. I breastfed exclusively until a month ago and although I'm feeding half as much owing to his solid intake I'm still feeding him 6-7 times per day. He loves his food!! Haven't had periods back yet but yesterday I had period pains and a tiny amoun t of blood. I expected everything to start up again but last night and today ... nothing. Is this common? Anyone experience anything similar? Thanks.




  1. When i first stopped breast feeding my period was all over the place and ended up lasting 2 weeks on and off but the next one was fine. Pregnancy takes a lot out of our bodies and it takes a long time to get it all back to normal. I still get back ache in the same place i did when pregnant and that's 6 1/2 months on.

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