
Give away your newborn through Adoption?

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Why did you give up your child?

How long has it been?

Do you regret giving your birth child away?

if you could do it again, would you give him/her up?




  1. Reasons: too complicated to get into here.

    When: six and a half years ago.

    Regret: yes, deeply regret it.

    If I could do it again: nope, wouldn't relinquish; I'd parent.

  2. I gave up custody of my child...She was 6 months old when was taken because the court deemed me as a transient. I had no where to appropriate to live with her.  I  had a chance to get her back and that was what I wanted to do...The judge at hearing told me that I had to have a full time job and place of my own for a year before I could even THINK of getting her back...A year later I was working 3 jobs and was still living with my mother...We couldn't keep the baby there since my mother was already raising my cousin's  child who was only 4 at the time and there wasn't enough room.  Caitlin had been living with her paternal grandparents for over a year when the told me they wanted to adopt her.  It took me a few months, but I finally agreed and signed the paper work.  Would I do it again...Yes. Because she deserves the best life can give here and unfortunately I wasn' t able to give that her. I regret the situation that I was in while I had her, but I don't regret letting her go. it was the best thing for her.

  3. I gave up my daughter because her dad and I broke up and he was/is dangerous.  He has been in and out of jail for threatening to kill a woman and her kids, the list is long, that's just one issue.  She is almost 18 years old.  I have had heartache but am glad she has her parents, they are wonderful.  I would do it again.  It was a private adoption.  They have sent me stuff through the years, and when my mother died 3 years ago, they came to the funeral, our "first" meeting.  We email each other about once a month and I stay in contact with her mom.  We spent about 3 hours at their home this summer.  She is great and knows that I did it to keep her safe.  She was my 3rd child.

  4. a child deserves their parents. Poverty is never a reason to lose your parents. May I suggest asking the adoptees how THEY feel about being adopted?

  5. I was 21 and in college.  It was 1986.  I regret not knowing my son, but I don't regret giving him a wonderful life.  I chose his parents....through confidential files and a lawyer of course.  I made the right decision.  Under the same circumstances , yes I would do it again.  Now, at my age, no.  But I have the means to support a child and myself now.

  6. i myself am adopted and recently turned 15.

    The adoption process is a very miraculous for the people who are adopting. They have a chance to bring up life into the world. It is also hard for the person letting go of the child. I was adopted by a L*****n couple who loved children so much and chose me! I have now been with them for 8 years and it definetly wasn't a perfect time. It was definetly hard to grow up with them especially because of all the stereotyping and stuff, but im glad that i am who i am today. I am personally happy i got adopted considering the fact that my mother was a crackhead, and my father a drunk. I think people should seriously think if there is any other way that that person can support there child, bacause adoption is such a llooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggg process. I had to go through 17 foster homes and 3 shelter experiences before it finally happened. Just remember....


  7. Gershom - I'm thrilled that I was adopted.  My biological mother was a psychotic nutjob who abused me.  

    To answer the original question, I think it was more common years ago to hide the adoption.  It was seen as something to be ashamed of.  

    Now, people know that it's not a horrible thing.  Open adoptions are encouraged by adoption professionals (at least the good/ ethical ones).  People are fighting to open closed records and winning.  

    More needs to be done in the adoption industry.  It's not perfect by any stretch - but it has come a long way.

  8. Why did you give up your child?

    I placed my son because I wanted him to have a more stable home then I could provide. Homeless, no support, emotionally abusive boyfriend, no job. They were all temporary situations that I chose a permanent solution for.

    How long has it been?

    Six and a half years

    Do you regret giving your birth child away?


    if you could do it again, would you give him/her up?

    If I could get a “do over” I would parent. I was lucky that the agency I went through offers life time counseling for the adoptee and birthmother.

  9. Gershom - I too am thrilled I was adopted.

    I gave my son up 21 years ago  - December of 1986.  His birthday is December 17th.  I regret getting myself into those circumstances.  I loved him.  There was no way to keep him at that time.  I was 17 and very immature and naive.

    Would I do it again?  If the circumstances were the same, yes, I would.  I believe what I did was the right thing.  I hope to meet up with him again if that is in the Plan.

  10. It was 1972, 'people' said it was best for everyone.

    She will be 36 in jan.

    I regret it.

    If i could do it again I wouldn't do it. It's a hurt that never heals.

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