
Glandular fever mono like syndrome.?

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does any 1 have any information on mono caused by the cytomegalo virus,not much about it on the net,is it the same symptoms can it cause neuro symptoms how long can it last,does it need a diffrent blood test.I would b grateful 4 any info from some 1 in the know THANK YOU.




  1. CMV infection is caused by a member of the herpes virus family. In healthy people with a good immune system, CMV infection does not cause any symptoms.  

    Some people with CMV develop mononucleosis syndrome.  Symptoms are basically the same as mononucleosis caused by Ebstein-Barr virus, such as fever and fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen.  An infected person might also develop a rash.  Neurological complications are VERY rare.

    The only way to know if it's active CMV infection is to have a blood test.  There are a few tests available.  ELISA is a method of detecting CMV antibodies.  That is a good way to determine if it's current or past infection.  If it is a current infection, CMV IgM (a specific antibody) would be present.  If it's a past infection, IgM would be negative, and IgG would be positive.  If there is no infection, both IgM and IgG would be negative.  The other test available is CMV PCR.  That measures CMV DNA if it is present.

    The treatment for CMV is rest and supportive care.  There is no quick fix.  No magic pill to take.  If infected, your body needs to clear the virus all on it's own.

    Take care!

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