
Global Warming and Climate Change?

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When we first got wind of this whole thing a few years ago, it was called global warming. Everybody who told us about it referred to it as g/ increasing temperature.

Lately, they've all changed their language a little...and now refer to it as climate change. What is the difference between global warming and climate change? If they're the same thing, why did these top scientists start calling it climate change?




  1. It's like they're saying "these cooling years or this cooling time is going against what we were saying, we have to change the terminology!"

  2. CLICK ON THIS=  is the answer to allow nature to return to normal naturally. as is G.W. is when too much heat enters earth to creat havoc, whereas climate change from a scientists  or Al Gores view is it  works only in a building. CAN ANYONE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT MAN CAN CHANGE THE CLIMATE OUTSIDE EVERWHERE WITHOUT HARMING ANYTHING OR ANYONE.

  3. How do we know excess carbon causes a warming environment?  Perhaps carbon is a product thereof.

  4. Global Warming is warming in tempature.

    Climate change is when the tempature can get colder or warmer.

    I've noticed that people have been changing what they are saying too.

  5. It's a distinction without a difference.

  6. Scientists didn't change the name.  It's ALWAYS been climate change to them.

    A reporter coined the phrase "global warming".  It caught on, and now the terms are used interchangeably, if incorrectly.

    Nothing sinister, just a reporter.

  7. It was called Global Warming since the 1970's until the Bush Administration.  Before that it was called Greenhouse Effect.  I think the people in the 1970's were trying to make it more easily understood by more people.  I think the Bush Administration was trying to do the opposite, with Climate Change.  I liked Greenhouse Effect because it was the most descriptive, but I agree it wasn't exactly a household term.

  8. From: The Rough Guide to Climate Change: The Symptoms, The Science, The Solutions, p.6

    'Early in the 20th century, researchers preferred climate change when writing about events such as ice ages.

    Once scientists began to recognize the specific global risk from human-produced greenhouse gases, they needed a term to describe it.  In 1975 Wallace Broecker ... published a breakthrough paper in the journal Science entitled, "Climatic Change: Are we on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?"

    Meanwhile, the term global change emerged as a way to embrace all modes of large-scale human tampering with the planet.  When 1988's watershed events arrived, the global-warming label broke into headlines worldwide & became standard shorthand among media & the public.

    Scientists prefer "global climate change.  One of their concerns is that global warming could be interpreted as a uniform effect  -- an equal warming everywhere on the planet -- whereas in fact a few regions may cool slightly even as Earth, on average, warms up."

    Hope that helps.

  9. Global warming indicates that the earth is getting warmer. Climate change means that while some places get warmer others get cooler. It also means that it might be global warming today and 5 years from now it could be global cooling which indicates climate change. Overall the earth has been warming since the last ice age when pack ice extended from the Arctic Ocean as far south as Spain and the Mediterranean Sea.

  10. Humans cause global warming by emitting greenhouse gases.  Global warming causes global climate change by altering the planet's climate patterns.  The two things are different, but since one causes the other, the terms are used interchangeably.

  11. First thing first there is no such thing as global warming. The weather has to get warmer for a while every few hundreds or thousands of a year so that we don't have a whole ice age again.

  12. I think they changed it because the new terminology "climate change" encompasses the whole meaning of what "global warming" is. It brings a better understanding to what it is, and makes you think about the "whole picture" insead of bringing up the only the warming of the planet.

  13. They changed the terminology because reduced sunspot activity in the past year has resulted in a downturn in the warming trend.  So, they want us to keep giving them our tax money and carbon offset money to 'fight the natural climate change' in general - not that they can.

    Humans cannot cause global warming.  During the 1960s and 1970s, the Earth went into a drastic cooling spell and scientists scared us with warnings of a new coming ice age - even as industry pumped CO2 into the atmosphere.  We cannot cause warming even if we want to.

    This is all a big scheme to suck the money out of productive people, to drag them down financially.  If you read Marx, the goal of Socialism is to eliminate the middle class, the 'bourgeois', and to establish a system of elite rulership over a subsistence working class whose productivity is completely owned by the ruling class.  Socialists ALWAYS create this system when they successfully take over a country - and they're doing it to us!!

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