I'm a senior in high school and our senior year is composed of a three stage research process. my chosen topic was biodiesel (fuel). i taught a class about how it worked and wrote a research paper comparing it to petroleum deisle in a number of standards. i learned a lot about pollution and the effects on the atmosphere. Also, my science class has been watching "An Inconvenient Truth" which is done by former wanna be president of the US Al Gore. The presentation is amazing. Theres so many factors being effected by the hazardous air pollution from humans. However, theres a lot of controversy on this subject. People say that the warming is natural and the CO2 levels are nothing to worry about becuase so many other natural events cause CO2 rises. If you think about it though, without humans, CO2 levels would be brought down again by plants and trees which use the CO2 for photosynthesis. It's just a lot to take in. Anybody have more facts to consider?