
Global Warming overstated? Now Way! LOL?

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Here is REAL science (skeptical and meticulous) from the NY Times of all places, that shows some of the truth of global warming.

Scientific theory is formulated on conjecture and guessing. We can't know what will happen tomorrow from anything and what we contribute. Science is incapable of doing that now. We can't account for all of the variables on the planet and science has become too political and arrogant.

Do you honestly believe that science has the answer to everything? Do you really believe that scientists understand all the events, causes, and variables of the world since its inception? Do you think that guessing about global warmings impacts (or lack thereof) is good science?




  1. Oh, you must be working for an oil company.  Only explanation for your inability to accept the TRUTH.  Those computer model guys can do anything.  Look how they predicted droughts and storms and snow and rain and hurricanes (not specific ones or exactly where, just that they would happen).  How can you argue with that?  Besides, the ice is melting and we are all gonna die!

  2. What are you talking about, you obviously made this up!  Because according to Al Gore there is no dissenting opinion to his on global warming....your just crazy...

    lol nice to know at least SOMEONE else out there feels the same way i do...

  3. You must check out the global warming dvds from quantum4444

    They cover it all. Read the descriptions of each dvd in the set.

    These dvds are not for profit so they are around $2-$4 each.

    Sets are only slightly more.

    When you read the descriptions you might see what is going on.

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