
Global warming 2?

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why arent the hurricanes as strong as predicted? DO NOT SAY TRENDS OR AVERAGES, SINCE KATRINA WE HAVE HAD NO MAJOR HURRICANES!




  1. What I like about your attitude is that it suggests you probably won't read what one guy says is happening:

    and people like you will focus in on what Landsea has to say, ignoring the fact that Landsea was Gray's grad student, and Gray hates Emanuel, but Trenburth is a little more open-minded, so Trenburth will at least listen to what Emanuel has to say, and understand it makes a lot of sense, whereas Landsea would rather cut his toes off than admit Emanuel might be right.  

    It makes reading all these responses a lot more entertaining for me, and it takes the pressure off because I know you wouldn't be swayed by any rational argument.  If, as Ken points out, there was Dean and Felix in 2007, two cat 5's following the same track in the same season, and Gordon and Helene in 2006, you wouldn't even budge an inch that there have been no major hurricanes since Katrina (regardless of the fact there was Rita after Katrina in 2005).  

    So I say keep on trucking!  I applaud you, Mr. I Won't Let Silly Little Facts Get In The Way Of What I Want To Believe Guy.  Maybe soon you'll get your own beer commercial.  

    I'm pulling for ya, we're all in this together.

  2. Whether or not global warming will cause stronger hurricanes is still a matter of legitimate scientific debate.

    But the vast majority of those scientists on either side of that particular issue still agree on the basic facts:

    Global warming is real, mostly caused by us, a serious threat, and capable of being solved by us.

  3. Headline news (CNN) ran a story on how global warming will actually REDUCE the number of hurricanes we will see. I saw it one time then it disappeared. I think it's all a sham to get more "fees" out of businesses. China is actually building Eco Unfriendly factories and are making billions from other countries paying them to fix them. Check it out.

  4. If the IPCC misrepresents this, what about the rest?

    "Instead, a scientist with an important role in the IPCC [Dr. Trenberth] represented himself as a Lead Author for the IPCC has used that position to promulgate to the media and general public his own opinion that the busy 2004 hurricane season was caused by global warming, which is in direct opposition to research written in the field and is counter to conclusions in the TAR. This becomes problematic when I am then asked to provide the draft about observed hurricane activity variations for the AR4 with, ironically, Dr. Trenberth as the Lead Author for this chapter."

    This expert, Chris Landsea, resigned from the IPCC.  Full text of resignation at the link:

  5. Actually the lead scientist that wrote the software algorithms that predicts the number of hurricanes each year does not believe in global warming.  He believes the currents in the ocean that pull cool water from deep in the ocean to the top actually control the climate and these currents are changing, and that this change is natural.

  6. go bob!!!

  7. angela - that is an unfair portrayal of countless hard working intelligent honest climate scientists.  It's not like they each have their own PR firm ready to counter every exaggeration reported in the media.  They point out mistakes and errors in scientific journals, they don't monitor the popular press looking for mistakes.

    As for the question:

    You haven't provided any link to any predictions, so not knowing what you're referring too (e.g. some nut on a personal blog or a report from the National Academy of Sciences) it's impossible to answer your question.  And your suggestion to avoid terms like "trends" and "averages" indicates that you are ignorant of basic science and numerical analysis methods.  Climate is all about trends and averages, nothing without those factors is meaningful for this topic.

    And as for your nonsensical statement that "SINCE KATRINA WE HAVE HAD NO MAJOR HURRICANES", I think the recipients of Hurricane Dean (the first Atlantic Cat 5 to hit land in 15 years) may disagree with you.  The world is larger than the US.

  8. GET WITH THE PROGRAM! Just because they predicted it years ago, do not hold them to that prediction. The most recent prediction is that it may reduce hurricanes, but if not, they may increase, and if not that, they may stay the same.

    The way this works is AGW fanatics make claims based on "models".  Once these claims do not pan out so well, they "tweak" their models and new predictions are spit out. The media picks up on the new predictions and attaches global climate disaster to the new predictions. The politicians then hear all the hoopla and begin to make  laws based on predictions, not based on science. We in turn, pay our money to these politicians and SHUT THE h**l UP! As we are good citizens and should not speak up when being raked over the coals.

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