
Global warming / evangelizing?

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Why is it that if I am standing on a corner and you pass by and I ask you if you know about Jesus, that I am forcing my beliefs on you?

But if you are standing on the corner and I pass by and you tell me my car is destroying the earth, then that’s just being environmentally concerned?

Are both not based on what we hold to be true? And neither can be proved, so please don’t lie and say that they can. For every so called ‘scientist’ who is really nothing more than Gore’s boot--l**k that you can drag out that says its true, I can come up with one that says its not man made, but natural cycles. So please stick to the question of why one is forcing and one is ‘just concern for poor old mother earth?




  1. 1) You don't know me so don't know what I have ever said about anyone standing on a corner asking if I know about Jesus. I have never said it was forcing their belief. So get off your prejudiced high horse.

    2) Your prejudiced and hateful premise about the scientific consensus is entirely wrong and trying to aggressively force (hmm... are we getting somewhere here?) it on to people won't change that. No, it cannot be "proved". It cannot be proved that smoking will kill people either. That doesn't mean stand back and let the tobacco companies say what they want and sell to who they want.

    3) When you are utterly unable to show respect to people who are trying to save kids future health, welfare and in some cases, lives, then why in the world do you possibly expect that they should give you respect???

    What an ugly hypocrite.

  2. There is no contradiction between accepting Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and believing that adding CO2 to the atmosphere could have detrimental effects, especially to the poorest among us.  There is a growing consensus that global warming is correct, and I would encourage you to look at the link that I posted; I will also hope that we can both agree that it is our moral imperative AS CHRISTIANS to stop global warming if it proves to be a threat to mankind, especially because the poorest among us will be unable to deal with the consequences that the CONSUMPTION (and excessive consumption is denounced by the Bible) has caused.  I don't think that evangelizing is "forcing your views on anyone," and I do agree what some people say is hypocritical; however, even hypocritical people can accidentally stumble onto truth.

    -- A Christian (and an (admittedly non-conventional) environmentalist)

  3. There is no difference, some people are just hypocrites.

  4. With that attitude there will be no reconciliation.

    Religion is superstition and science is science.


    When you evangelize me you are preaching superstitious nonsense with no basis in fact and no way to prove or disprove.

    When I proselytize you I am speaking the irrefutable truth of mathematics and science.

    Here’s a little arm chair philosophy for you:  

    Every religion claims to be the one true way.  Even the sub-sects fight over it.  Aboriginals say the earth is God.  Buddhists say the way to truth is to accept there is no final truth.  I suppose you think Christianity is the one true way.  In short, there are hundreds of different interpretations, each one claiming to be the truth and specifically excluding all others.  We will never, ever have one religion to which all subscribe because the moment you succeed – the movement will fracture and it starts all over again.

    The claim of science is the SEARCH for truth.  It is the opposite of what I described above.  We have devotees of all walks, creeds, sects, and stations of life who all subscribe to the same basic truths.  The foundation of mathematics, physics, chemistry and all the rest are immutable and irrefutable.  There are differing interpretations, but when the results come in the vast majority convert to the consensus view.  Not because they had some sort of epiphany; but because they studied the data, analysis, and conclusions and were convinced by the facts.  We converge and move on to the next problem.

    Religion converges by force or brainwashing and at the first opportunity diverges again.

    Science converges by logic and stays that way.

    If you don’t “believe” in science then as I said there will be no reconciliation.

  5. Religion is religion and referring to a big silicon rock as "Mother Earth" is also religion.  As is referring to sacred writing as "infallible" (the IPCC report) and shutting off debate and disagreement with mantras like "the debate is over".

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