
Global warming fake or what?

by Guest57360  |  earlier

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Yea I watch the discovery channell and science channel and stuff, and keep hearing about this "GLOBAL WARMING"... I think its all just made up, it might be true, just a little bit might be true, but this is what I think. Through the millions of years planet earth has been active in our solar system, it has gone through drastic changes. Climate changed enourmously since the world first started. From a firey pit to green and blue landscape from space. Now. Studies and facts prove some things that I think is whats goin on at the moment. The Sahara desert was once a striving fertile enviroment, with life of all kinds. That changed due to axis shift, and moving of the tectonic plates. South America turned into a rain forest from a desert, and the Sahara into the biggest desert on earth. Can earth be shifting its axis at the moment causing these temperature changes? In NY, it hasnt been cold like it used to be, and towards the south of the US droughts are increasing.




  1. global warming is real.

    watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, honestly it will answer most questions you might have.  You are right about climate changing throughout the world, but it took hundreds (maybe thousands) of years for the Sahara region to become a desert.

    All the greenhouse emissions from our cars and factories are filling up the upper atmosphere, preventing the sun's rays from 'bouncing' back out to space.  They hit this cloud of filth that we are creating, and they come right back at the surface.  

    So while it is possible that the earth is shifting its axis, the temperature and climate changes in the last fifty years have been so dramatic that an axis shift cannot be the only reason.

  2. Youre right about NY, we've also been having stranger whether than normal :(

  3. Global warming is definitely fake. By the way, your theory is very logical.

    About New York: I live there too. We have been having some pretty strange weather but, yet we still have some freezing days. Remember last year? Was freezing every day. (I'm talking about Brooklyn), Even this year, it went to -2 degrees F.

  4. No, we were not the cause of it in the beginning, those things did and could have happened to contribute to climate changes but global warming is very real.  It's because of greenhouses, etc.  The reason we dont see it or notice it is because it's happening slowly over time that we adapt to what comes our way.  When I was a kid the river by my town was very high.  I always looked at this boat docked on the bank.  To this day, the water is many, many feet lower to where that boat would have been.  It's been lower and lower each year.  Pretty soon, the creek that once was high and flowing will soon be a small stream.  

    It is NOT fake.  It's just different scientists argue on what is really happening and if it will hurt or help us.  

    Gas prices, going green, conserving is a big hint that something is happening.

  5. The fact that there are climate changes over thousands of years due to all sorts of natural phenomena is completely irrelevent to the issue of warming due to greenhouse gases. Everybody knows there are natural cycles, but almost any real climate scientist will tell you that these natural cycles can't explain what we are seeing.

  6. you have a good point. maybe you're right?

  7. The process of radiative forcing (global warming from reflected sunlight in the atmosphere) is true.

    A catastrophic end of the world due to human activity is complete non-sense.

    Mother nature is in charge. Natural processes have a far greater impact on climate than anything humans have ever done.

  8. OneDraco: iceburgs the size of manhatten are not unusual for Antarctica ~13 miles is common for large burgs, in the last 20 years there have been a number that have been ~120 km long, 5 times the length of manhatten.

  9. Answer me this - where'd the Ice Age go??  Was it all that car pollution...not to mention sheep burps.  It's all natural.  Democrats just want to worry EVERYONE so we put them in control.

  10. You do make an interesting point. But there is something more major than the earth shifting its axis going on here.  Also, what really happened with the Ice Age? Dinosaurs? Are we the next to be extinct?.................

    Global Warming is a real thing and its happenin'.

  11. Global Warming is a SCAM!!

    John Coleman former founder of the Weather Channel is claiming that Global Warming is due to the Sun getting hotter! Every planet has gotten hotter, is this due to pollution on Mars, Venus, and Uranus?

    Check this out:

  12. FAKE

  13. maybe, maybe not.

  14. LOL

    'Where did the ice age go'

    gee, i don't know. And it's been something like 11,500 years since we've seen one!

    If anything, I'd guess that we're WAY overdue for an ice age. And who knows? Maybe GW is the first step in starting that process.

    It's about TIME!

  15. Well, I think that global warming is not a fake issue at all.

    Yes,I agree with you that our planet will undergo climate and landscapes change on its own, even without pollution etc.

    But we cannot predict the future,right?Could we tell that the climate change in present moment is unrelated with pollution?How could we possibly judge that this is the real way the world will change?

    We must remember that the global change decades ago like "ice age" etc. was started by the earth itself,when all the material and life on earth still on the balance, without pollution,toxic waste,etc.

    Now, the world will substantially change not because of the earth itself, but also because of us,humans,who produced abundance amount of toxic matter and greenhouse gases.

    So, what I want to say is that humans on earth have contribute to the global change,and the contribution (greenhouse gas, etc.) is a bad one.It will be better if we could reduce our bad contribution,and let the earth change on its own just like the old ages.

  16. It's the all the rage if your a liberal, otherwise it's fake.

  17. Yes, fake.

    There are some good reasons why intelligent and well-meaning people might disagree though.

    For one thing, that the Earth has recently warmed between fractions of a degree or 1 full degree (depending on which temperature scale you use) is a fact. However what the cause of this warming is remains a matter of speculation.

    Also, while carbon dioxide (not monoxide) is known to trap heat, and has been known to do so since the victorian era, it isn't clear how much this is capable of warming the planet.

    It also isn't clear that human industry produces a significant amount of it when compared with volcanoes or the ocean.

    And it seems very clear that the idea of a runaway greenhouse effect, where CO2 warming leads to water vapor warming and destroys the biosphere, is very unlikely to be a real concern, because, as you mentioned, the Earth is very old and has seen almost certainly seen past ages when this carbon was in the atmosphere. After all, the coal and oil fossil fuels are thought to be plant matter from millions of years ago, a time before the dinosaurs even, called the carboniferous period.

    And as the glaciers melt in Sweden, human remains and artifacts emerge.

    Other scare stories about global warming are also clearly false. The idea that the sea levels will rise, for one. They won't because of the different density of ice and water. And besides, warming within some limits actually causes the center of the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica to grow, even though there is melting at the edges.

    Meteorologists critical of global warming also point out that warming means fewer and milder storms, not more and more severe storms.

    Its good to know that the warming, even if it occurs, probably won't have harmful effects on human life, because there isn't likely to be anything that we can do about it even if the people who say we are causing it are right.

    By most speeches I've heard from advocates of the theory that global warming is caused by humans, they think that the carbon in the atmosphere is "locking in" at least a certain amount of further warming. And I find it unlikely that even if the industrialized countries cut back on burning fossil fuels, that it will have any effect if, as seems certain, China and India with their vastly greater populations continue to industrialize their countries.

    And if global warming is caused by the solar effects on cosmic rays that promote cloud formation, as a new theory says, or if it is caused by the sun directly, then there really isn't anything that can be done.

    On the other hand, I can tell you that astronomers have calculated the orbit of the earth and the wobble of its axis very precisely and if there any things that we know for sure are not the cause of global warming, these aren't.

    Another cause for questioning the common view of global warming, are the proposed solutions. By all accounts, decreasing the rate of increase in the use of fossil fuels, as the Kyoto treaty attempted to do, has to be the single slowest way to affect this phenomenon ever proposed. And we can't just stop using fuels, it would mean mass suicide.

    On the other hand there are some direct technical solutions that could be implemented to cool the earth, such as building a series of reflectors in space to cut down on the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth. This solution has the advantage that you could turn it off and on when you wanted to. It is even possible to use such a system to warm the Earth if it got too cold. (Which it would inevitably do, if we start interfering with the climate in any way, including by consciously controlling the composition of the atmosphere.)

    A more low-tech, and crude proposal would be to eject a lot of dust into the atmosphere with a nuclear blast. (This would be an effect similar to that of a major volcanic eruption.)

    But I think its clear that it would be better to wait and see what is going to happen before trying either of these solutions.

    In fact, it might be better to just wait and see what will happen before doing anything.

    I know that some people are going to argue that Al Gore proved that Global Warming is real, is caused by human activity, and is going to cause catastrophes in the near future etc.

    But the discussion has moved on since Gore's movie came out. He started by saying that the science was settled, before a proper discussion had even begun. Well the issue has finally become prominent enough that the real discussion is going on. You can't just call it over, you have to marshal your arguments, and present better reasons than the other side. As I've said, there is room for honest and knowledgeable people with good intentions to disagree.

    None of this is to say that there are not serious environmental concerns facing us. There are, after-all, drugs in the water supply, mercury in the seas, and other serious ecological and environmental concerns. And its still true that gasoline is poisonous and our air quality would be better if we had something else to rely on. But global warming does not make this list of known, and manageable threats. These are things we can tackle locally, while respecting people's rights, including their property rights and the individual character of nations. These are problems we can tackle with technological progress, not by regressing to an agricultural society.

    Yes, kids, there is going to be a future worth having after all.

  18. Everyone is so concerned about the "why", few seem to be paying attention to the realities.

    A shelf of the Antarctic, as big as Manhattan, broke off this week.  A piece twice the size of this one, is hanging on by a thin strip of attached ice, that is SPECULATED, to break off in the next 10 years, at CURRENT conditions.

    A volcano in Hawaii with no activity since 1982, is suddenly stirring to life.

    The fabled Northwest Passage is ice free, since records were started in 1820.

    The glacier that feeds the holy Ganges River, is receding at 100' per year, as recorded since 1952.

    A dozen species of frogs in Central America are almost extinct because of a 1 degree increase in the average temperature.

    And so on.

    These are a very small percentage of the "facts" that keep hitting the news, that people seem to want to ignore.  

    Why would all these scientists and environmental watchdogs, assist in a cover up? A hoax ?

  19. one of my coworkers says that this whole global-warming is a bunch of garbage.  he thinks that these effects that the world is going thru is because of evolution (the world will have changes in climate ie. from tropical to ice age then back to tropical weather).

  20. no ppl have the common misconseption of it rlly it is global heating..and yes it is diff from global warming just ppl do not get it..out governmetn has denied untill recently that carbon dioxide is part of it...but if you  look  at a graph taht shows the carbon dioxide level as our population increases rite now we have th highest population we have ever had..adn the hightest carbon dioxide level... it doesn't take a scientist to figure this one out..although our governement is just starting to figure it out..

  21. The Earth isn't going into a new tilt.  The moon is in its orbit.  The Earth keeps its tilt.  True, there is a minimal change in the tilt of Earth.  But this occurs in the millions or billions of years.  Not enough to notice.  For there to be any drastic change in Earth's tilted axis, another body in space would have to affect us.

  22. the thing is that we know wjat causes most of these changes. they are called the Milankovitch cycles. basicly they are changes in the orbit of the earth that alter how much sunlight falls on the earth.

    we can measure these and we know they are not causing the current warming.

    this link has plenty of info on the subject

    edit such a small change can have a large effect because of feedback. the small change of 3 degrees causes a small amount of warming or cooling but then feedback amplafies this effect. thats why eaven though addaing CO2 to the atmosphere will only have a small effect feedback will enhanse this effect.

    examples of feedback are

    ice melting causing more warming

    more heat causing ocens to release CO2 which causes more warming.

    higher temps resulting in more water vapor in the atmosphere which will cause warming.

    here are a few more links

    BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science

  23. I really don't understand why people keep talking as if scientists have said there is no natural climate change, when this is the basis of long term climate science. Ice ages and warm periods are all part of the long term picture that scientists are telling us about. The differences with natural changes, which are called 'short term' and happen over 20-30 thousand years like the one in the link below. By the end of this century we will have achieved half that change in only 250 years this is why scientists are worried.

    Some here seem to think this is end of the world stuff, it isn't, but it will affect our coastal cities more and more over the next couple of centuries with a probable 24in sea rise by the end of this century.

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