
Global warming solutions pfft?

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When you overpopulate where you live you begin to live in your own S**t.When you live in your own S**t you die! If global warming is due to green house gases, the only way to stop it is to stop reproducing like flies. Not reducing your carbon emmisions, this is treating the symptoms and not the cause. Lets get real!!




  1. i like your ideas, altough now i'm pritty sure we're knee deep in S**t with this president, i say we all go to mars

  2. Yell Mankind does it again

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    Why do you think China has a one birth law in that country

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    Because they know the consequences

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    A lot of people a lot of problems

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    We are like the death of a planet every day the earth receives 200,000 more people on it in the new count of humans

    That adds up to 73 million more people a year

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    It has been said that all animals on earth has a population control in effect on its self

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    The life span of any insect of any marsupials anything alive has a predator on its self

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    Except mankind

    The only population control we have or almost only now have is disease

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    The only predator we have still in place upon us is

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    We kill more of our selves than any other creature on earth

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    How may people on earth die in automobile accidents in one day

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    More than died in world war 1 - 2 combined

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    And that is just car accidents then there is internal violence killing each other to put it bluntly

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    We are the only creature on the planet that kills out of envy dislike of color of skin

    Dis like because of where you live on the planet

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    All the birds feed in out bird feeders in peace each gets its share not one of them tries to kill any who try and get a seed to much because that one bird wants it all for him or her self

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    Man kind at the same so to say bird feeder will kill each other to get that little bit more

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    Look at a sale in a store or when a WII machine was found to be in stock in a store

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    There have been killings because of it

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    Wow did I get off the global warming or did I not

  3. Ive always said every country in the world needs population control, With all the diseased their curing 10000000 people are born for every person that dies that cant last forever lol

  4. The western world has pretty much slowed right down as far as reproducing goes.

    Australia, where I live has an annual population growth of 1.01%. The USA and UK have 0.97% and 0.42% respectively. Even China is reproducing at a rate less than the USA.

    Many eastern European countries are experiencing negative growth, that is their population is getting smaller.

    It is in third-world nations that the population is growing at an fast rate BUT most of the people in these countries do not produce a lot of greenhouse gasses.

    Overpopulation causes problems such as shortages of food and water, and do place a heavy strain on the earth... but its the western world that is responsible for most of the carbon emissions.

    Blaming the population isn't an excuse to continue driving gas-guzzling SUV's. Reducing carbon emissions IS YOUR responsibility.

  5. Sparsity/compaction, modern conveniences (autos), and industrial standards cant be represented solely on a global populace. Each country has characteristic's assigned to that region. Each may have different issues that have to be addressed in different ways.

  6. lets face it the other problem is not so much that we reproduce like flies but also that people live way longer than they used to and i mean stay alive not really live i have lost every one of my grandparents because the refused to take 50 pills a day to stay alive and just still in the house and look out the window because if they go out side the will some how melt now i would almost bet there are about 900000 trailers and RV campers with the ac units blasting during the day and heaters running at night with the occupants 70+ years of age that do nothing but pop pills and ***** about everything now tell me that there is not a big problem there

  7. yes, exactly as u said, dude. its a good thing to see tat many of us are being concerned abt the environment haazard of GW. atleast, we can do our bit against GW.

    though all of us are yelling on over population, there are religions in the world which give their followers the message of "REPRODUCE MORE" in order to strengthen their power so that they can dominate the whole world!!!!

    Isn't it a real foolishness for such religious

    spirituality? isn't it high time for them to change?

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