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I'm having triplets and I want to know do I pick one pair of godparents for all 3 or a pair of godparents for each child?




  1. If I were you I'd choose just one pair of Godparents.   It just makes things much easier for everyone.

  2. I say a pair of godparents for each child... they will be individuals despite the fact that they are triplets and they need to feel like they have their own identity when they get older.

  3. Well if you really die, you will want the kids to be together, so one. Make sure they're OK with takin all 3 though. And if you do choose 3 different, make sure it's clear that the triplets are still apart of eachother's lives.

  4. i think its your choice....

  5. just one pair for the ur little ones

  6. If you plan on the godparents being the ones that would take care of the children if you and your spouse died before they were 18 then having the same godparents would be best. If you plan on them just being spiritual guidance for the children then there wouldn’t be a problem with picking a set of godparents for each, if you can find people who you want and are willing.

  7. Depends on if you can find 6 people to be godparents or if you can only find two. My daughters only have one godparent, our oldest daughter's is my sister and our younger daughter is my sister-in-law. Our son is due next month and his will be my brother.
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