
Going Green... Little Help?

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My family and I have decided to go green with all chemical free, environmental friendly products. Call us hippies but we want to help the earth. So anyways we already have organic foods but we need a little help. Normally we use Tide for our detergent but when I visited their site none of their seem to be very eco-friendly. Is their a tide detergent that is? If not tell me what you use!

Also can you tell us good products for paper towels, dish detergent, cleaning products, soup and all that? Anything else you can think of! Thank you very much!




  1. go to these sites and get these books

    just keep cutting and pasting my friend you will find what you need especially on and its a amazing resource but dont discount either because it is a site that has major green sites all in one place that is a link to them and is updated daily i love it


    365 ways to change the world : how to make a difference--one day at a time / Michael Norton

    500 ways to change the world / Global Ideas Bank ; edited and compiled by Nick Temple

    Farewell, my Subaru : an epic adventure in local living / Doug Fine

    Go green, live rich : 50 simple ways to save the Earth and get rich trying / David Bach, with Hillary Rosner.

    The green book : the everyday guide to saving the planet one simple step at a time / Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen with a foreword by Cameron Diaz and William McDonough

    Green living : the E magazine handbook for living lightly on the earth / by the editors of E/the environmental magazine

    It's easy being green : a handbook for earth-friendly living / Crissy Trask ; illustrations by Mike Clelland.

    The lazy environmentalist : your guide to easy, stylish, green living / Josh Dorfman

    Making kind choices : everyday ways to enhance your life through earth- and animal-friendly living / Ingrid Newkirk ; foreword by Paul McCartney.

    MySpace OurPlanet : change is possible / by the MySpace community ; with Jeca Taudte ; foreword by Tom Anderson

    Worldchanging : a user's guide for the 21st century / edited by Alex Steffen ; foreword by Al Gore ; design by Sagmeister

    Ethical markets : growing the green economy / Hazel Henderson with Simran Sethi ; foreword by Hunter Lovins

    Sustainable planet : solutions for the twenty-first century / edited by Juliet B. Schor and Betsy Taylor

    trust me there all excellent books i love them and they have alot of info you should make the people in your club read them as projects and get ideas from them

  2. for cleaning supplies, i dont know about laundry detergent, but Method is a good and green brand.

  3. trader joes has all organic food, and i am pretty sure they also ahve products so you might want to check that out!

  4. yeah trader joes deffinatly sells detergent and cleaning products. The brand Holy Cow has a really good all purpose cleaner that's not harmful to the enviornment also. something else you could do would be cutting down on meats and eggs and dairy products because the componies that supply store with them arent good for the enviornment...also look at whole foods for medecine and cleaning products( they also have a great selection of produce!)

    :D good luck

  5. It can be done folks. In the "good ole days" (60's) existed a generation of "greenies." Although we called it "back to the earth" movement. By the way, what's wrong with hippies??  We had the energy of youth to do what it takes to begin and maintain a much healthier lifestyle. It worked, for a while. Then we became old and tired and it was easier to conform when you just had to push a button to get what you wanted. Ach, sad, so sad. Hey younguns, it can be done and it's up to you guys to start somewhere. As for suggestions on how to do it, just start unplugging. Except for the computer, of course, where you now have to go to get the info. You don't need Tide, find a good recipe online for a non-phosphate homemade soap. Don't go to a corporation's site, find one that gives you real concrete  directions on how to do it. I cannot remember which ones are out there (senior moments) but  try to find Mother Earth News site. MEN was our guru of green in the 70's for how to info. They had a 300 acre on site hands on school in North Carolina that taught you how to build log homes, build solar units, heating and cooling without electricity, organic gardening, etc. I don't know if they still exist, but I know that similar organizations are out there. Paper products? Use recycled only.

  6. Going Green is hip!!  The best thing that I have done along these lines to to purchase the Shaklee Clean Starter Kit it has helped a lot and I am sure I have already saved hundereds of dollars.  Check it out!!

  7. bio-klean is a great biodegradable earth-frienly laundry detergent.   look for paper products that mare made from 100% recycled paper.  Myers is a great line of all natural cleaning products that smell better then any "conventional" cleaner

  8. well idk..but instead of using paper towels..and putting them into the land fill we use cloth napkins :] most of the time....also you should use flouresent light bulbs...

  9. You can do so many things.

    Most important Save water, Air pollution, plant more trees, change ur globes to enrgy saving globes, try recycle all stuff.

    Another important thing, You can encourage your friends to save environment. By this way other people will also save environment and we can help our planet.

    Watch some great videos for more knowledge...

  10. I use Shaklee's Fresh Laundry Liquid concentrate and their vegetable based biodegradable dryer sheets.  My husband works a ton in the garage and they get greasy stains out.

    Let me know if you want the website (they deliver to your door within a week and offset their carbon emissions on all shipped items)

    Mandy R.

  11. All products are environmentally safe because they all come from this environment.

    We live in an ecosystem.

    This planet is self-cleaning.  If it makes you feel better by "going green" then by all means do it, but don't do it because you think it will help the environment.

    I wish they still taught science in school instead of garbage like this "global warming" hoax.  They have seemingly intelligent people believing all sorts of nonsense these days.

  12. My bio teacher would use baking soda and vinegar in a spray

    bottle to clean her counters.

    Also, don't use antibacterial products.

  13. We use very little laundry detergent in our wash.  All you need is a teeny bit.  I never use the entire recommended amount.  There are lots of products to use.  Just go to your local health food store.  They may have some on the shelf.  Your local grocer may also carry green laundry products.  My HEB has them in the health food aisle!  We live in Houston, and there's no way around it, you have to use the air conditioner in the summertime.  We have a drain for the air conditioner.  We set it up so it drips into the birdbath so the birds have recycled water.  I bought a bike to run errands on.  I double up on errands in my car so I don't waste gas going back and forth.  We cut the lights off.  We take sailor's baths.  Soap up, then cut the water off while you scrub.  Then turn the water back on to rinse.  We don't flush the toilet every time. (yuk).  Baking soda is a good cleanser.  Vinegar is a good cleanser too.  If you grow some of your own veggies, try making some homemade plant food.  Recipes are on the internet.  Use reclaimed wood for floors and doors in your home.  You can even buy eco friendly paint.  Find it on Reuse everything you can.  Fix home appliances to make them last.  Don't leave your car running while you run into a store to make a quick purchase.

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