
Going Green?!?!?!?!?

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Just the other day,it hit me. I realized how much we are killing the earth. I new global warming was happening,but i never really payed atention to it. The other day i realized that i need to stop being selfish,and help the earth. But,the thing is,i dont really know how. I know to save electricity,conserve water,use the swerly light bulbs. but wat else is there that i can do. i want to do more. Can you give me some other ideas on how to save our planet. Like things that are not to common to do. Like that people dont know that will help.Also this may sound like a stupid question,but what day is earth day?

Thanks so much in advance!

You are helping me and the EARTH!





  1. First off: Earth Day is indeed April 22nd. So yeah, you've got some time before that.

    About going green: You're totally right about saving energy and conserving water, but there's a couple of good general things you can do.

    One has to do with waste and landfills. That's why recycling is such a big deal. There is so much waste added to landfills every day just because people don't want to separate their waste. What you can do is start out recycling--even if it's just cans at first. Also, think of ways you can reuse things before you throw them out. Reusing and Reducing are way better thank Recycling, so work on those two first.

    Also to decrease the amount of trash you contribute, you could look into starting a home compost. Many communities have composting programs (turning food waste into fertilizer), so even if you don't have a garden (also a very green thing to do), your compost is a double whammy: you are limiting waste and creating fabulous mulch that can help future generations of plant life thrive.

    About saving energy: you can do that a lot of different ways other than cutting the lights when you leave the room. First, try rechargable batteries. Also, get a power strip so you can turn electronics off when they're not in use. A lot of people don't know that their gadgets suck up energy even when they're turned off.

    If you're out shopping it's a good idea to look for 'fair trade' items. With the humanitarian aspect in mind, fair trade is green because it cuts out business middlemen and guaruntees the farmer or producer a fair wage.

    Bring your own bags to the grocery, cut out bottled water, and adopt a pet in need (if you can). I guess that's all I've got.

  2. reduce reuse recycle

    ok this one is wierd but take a marsshmellow roaster, some rubber gloves and a plastic bag  and go around your neighborhood collecting beer bottles and paper and stuff

    ive done it befor and a lot of ppl stared at me but i didnt care i knew i was helping the earth

    plz choose as best answer!!!!!!!!!!

  3. start with your house's environment and to yourself also..

  4. We are helping ourselves. :)

  5. Because plastic takes over 75 years to decompose, always get paper bags(takes 50 yrs) from the grocers or better yet buy a shopping (1.00) in most stores and keep it in the trunk of your car. Styrofoam never decomposes, so try to stay away from using it. Buy trash bags that decompose with the elements(only cost 1.00 more than regular bags).

  6. You can use the three R's; reduce, reuse, and recycle.

    Solar panels, shorter showers/baths, keep the water off when brushing teeth, clean up the environment [[litter, debris, etc.]], better car [[possibly a hybrid]], etc.

  7. you give yourself more power than you have.

  8. recycle...flouresent and last year,the U.S spent $18,000,000 on makeup,yeah dont spend a lot of money,and um...yeha idk ahha

  9. u can plant trees

    buy an acre of rain forest for only $39 it comes with a certificate

    use LED lights

    pay bills online

    buy reusable shopping bags

    buy organic and local food

    and the list goes on and on

    u can buy 1,001 ways to save the earth at chapters

  10. Pay attention at things you buy every day. If you have a joice of buying something that pollutes less go with that. Exemple: when you buy something that is produced locally you are helping business in your community and you are helping keep the air clean by not buying something that is transported from some far away place like China.

  11. 1) Use recycled paper instead of non-recycled paper.

    2) Try to print on both sides of the paper.

    3) Try to use a printer that print on both sides of the paper.

    4) Save and reuse old boxes.

    5) Use old sheets of paper for scrap paper or note-taking.

    6) You can also recycle ink cartridges.

    7) Try not to print in colour.

    glad u noe the importance of recycling

    earth day is on 22th april

    the link i paste is more abt earth day.

  12. Now, it makes a lot of difference where you live, what your local infrastructure provides.

    For instance if you live where you must provide your own drinking water sterilization, you would choose to use an ozonator rather than a chlorinator or an ultraviolet light unit.

    If you are about to build a home, you can build it such that it uses less than 10% of the energy to heat or cool it as compared with typical construction. You can build in solar water heating, even solar electric roof to provide more power than you use, even enough to power your electric assisted bike.

    You might choose to grow your own food rather than have it transported to you, and also rather than having a big lawn.

    Perhaps most importantly get involved in local environmental improvement organizations to promote things that individuals alone can not accomplish.

  13. sorta

  14. yay! that's a great thing!

    these websites have top 10/top 50 ways to 'Go Green', they're full of great ideas ^_^

    Earth day is April 22nd ^

  15. Recylce, Recycle Recycle!!! is key

    Properly inflate your tires


    Avoid using hot water when showering

    unplug the wires of electricity you aren't using because that takes  40% electricitiy without even using it

  16. You can change your everyday products, like cleaners and bath products to green ones.  Some scarey facts:  the most toxic elements in our waterways are bleach, all purpose cleaner (like 409), laundry detergent, and dish detergent.  The chemicals in them are mutating the life in the water...and where was the product to began with?  In your home.  I shop with a company called Melaleuca, and they have received many environmental awards for their products.

  17. Don't drink bottled water, drink tap. You can save $2 a day that way. Recycle, One water bottle can save up to 3 hours of energy that can be used on a T.V.

    Turn off your computer when you don't use it.

    Google it. That's al I can think of right now. :)

  18. Beside whatever people told you to do you can go ahead, spend 30-50$ and buy charger which use solar energy, you'll charge your cell phone and a the same time won't pollute air with greenhouse gases and chemicals like NO, NO2, SO2, SO3 and so on. So in this way you will fight with global warming (of course its gonna be fight between small man and giant problem but....anyway its a try to help to our planet)

  19. recycle everything you can

    LCD TV [saves energy while not on unlike tubes]

    laptop [isn't on all the time like desktop even if it is "off"]

    shades, drapes, blinds


    newer appliances [energy star]

    avoiding the landfill

    start compost pile with leftover food scraps

    gas efficient car

    try to give unwanted stuff to neighbors or friends

  20. Thank you for taking part to save the Earth, our mother land!

    Another way is using public transport or Bicycle... Public transport could be reducing the Global Warming by decreasing the number of vehicles used. This is because the car released the Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide gases, the carbon dioxied is the main gases from the greenhouse gases which resulting of Greenhouse effect which could warm the Earth, but when carbon dioxide gases increasing. It trapped more Infrared heat or Ultraviolet (UV), the Earth would be warmer and warmer and causes Global Warming.

    May just a easy step, but You could save the Earth, Save the million of Lifes! KUDOS TO YOU!

  21. If you think about it, overpopulation is one of the biggest issues related to overuse of the earths resources. If we can promote population control, we are controlling the number of people that will be on the earth to use its resources.  Discouraging people from having 4-7 child families is a start. Let's face it, your demand on the earth is also translated to how many off spring you produce and how many they produce etc. Get that under control and we had made leaps toward conservation.
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