
Going green??!!?

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how do i go green? i want to know every possible way to go green and organic and stuff. including food, clothes, accessories, home stuff....EVERYTHING!




  1. The easiest way to start is by replacing all of the light bulbs in your home with compact flourescent bulbs (will save you $$ on your electric bill as well, and they seem to last forever).

    Unplug small appliances when not in use (toasters, coffee makers, and the like all suck out energy even when powered off) Invest in some power strips for those appliances that cannot be unplugged.

    Turn your thermostat up 2 degrees in the summer, and down 2 degrees in the winter (will save on heating costs!!)

    Bring your own bags when you go shopping. Not only are canvas shopping bags washable and reusable, they hold as much (if not more) stuff than a typical paper or plastic bag.

    Favor local and organic produce. By local whenever you can, and stick to organics if possible.

    Keep the tires in your car properly inflated  at all times. Avoid slamming on the gas when accelerating. Remove bike racks and the like. All of these things can improve your gas milage.

    RECYCLE!! The vast majority of household items used every day can be recycled. Glass, aluminum, paper, and plastics. Make it a habit to recycle what you can.

    Plants....herbs, veggies, flowers, whatever you like. Plant something. It's soothing for you and good for the planet.

  2. There are about a zillion ways to go green, and people don't realize how easy it is. You can start by doing things as simple as washing your dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher, adding plants to your backyard, changing your light bulbs, washing clothes in cold water, buying Earth-friendly beauty and cleaning supplies...the list is truly endless.

    Visit for eco-friendly home decor products and tips.

  3. 1. Recycle

    2. Use flourescant bulbs

    3. Get solar panels or a wind mill to power your home

    4. Get a car that runs on clean energy (can be electric or hybrid if your home is clean energy)

  4. just make sure the products u use are environmentally friendly. many of them say so on the back

  5. There are so many ways to go green, everything you do or buy has a green, greener and greenest option. Be aware of your choices and make the most practical green option and you will become the greenest of the green.

    Energy saving ideas can be found

    Energy efficient light bulbs


    Motion detector


    Tank less Water Heater

    Water Heater Insulation Wrap

    120° Water Heater temp

    Insulate first three feet of inlet and outlet on water heater

    Install Heat Traps on a Water Heater Tank for Energy Savings

    Task Lighting

    Tube Sky Lights


    Energy Star Appliances

    Phantom Energy usage

    Power Strips


    Stop air leeks

    Programmable Thermostat


    Energy Audit

    Consider "cool" exterior finishes

    Solar Attic Fans

    Ceiling Fans

    Changing Out Dirty Air Filters

    Shade your AC Condenser

    Window Coverings

    Turn pilot lights off on unused fireplaces

    Low flow shower heads

    Faucet Aerators

    Clean Dryer vents

    Washer, use cold or warm
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