
Going into 6th grade. HELP!!

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Hi I'm going into 6th grade and I need some tips. Please don't tell me to be myself because I know that and I'm going to be.




  1. well u got to be more specific...wut do u want to know about?

    if its how hard the stuff is going to me its nuthing grade 6 is going to be very easy..depends where u live

  2. -When in your Locker, get everything you need first before chatting.

    -Bring lunch for first week.

    -Find a friend for every class (which will be 6 including homeroom).

    -Homeroom is the first class you will go to in the morning

    -Practice taking good notes in this grade. I hear that 7th grade is the unforgiving grade (sadly, the one I'm going to)

    -Make sure you read over the summer. You'll be doing some nitty-gritty reading in that grade.

    -Respect all teachers (even the ones not in your grade) so you get good things said about you.

    -Be nice to everyone (yes, even the geeks... so you can be respected and popular.

    -Practice study skills. Especially for tests. Study in the range of 3 days before test.

    -Keep your cellphone off or they'll take it away :(

    -Don't be afraid to change clothes infront of people for gym.

    -Keep clean. Take regualar baths..

    -Do good in gym because there is no need for failing grades.

    Can't think of any more..Don't wear makeup or it'll look like you are trying too hard...focus on school but don't forget your friends....unless you like the guy/girl for who they are don't get into dating cuz it's too much drama and complicated.

    OH! Speaking about drama- there will be tons of it! It's fun though :)

    I hoped I helped!

  3. 6th grade is nothing to be worried about.  Just keep your head up high, and don't act like you're afraid of anybody.  Find someone nice to talk to, and try to make friends with friendly people... I would advise you to go to the orientation because everyone there are feeling exactly how you feel. Its a good opportunity to meet some of your teachers and classmates before hand so when the first day comes,  you will know some of the kids and wont be as afraid.  

  4. _HI_ 6th  grade can be really fun and all you have to do is make yourself open.[approachable]  Basically all you have to do is be yourself<even though you dont wan't me to tell you that> But just try and do your best and make sure you have things your way(Without breaking the rules,unless you don't get caught):D

  5. Like every year, you shouldn't be afraid of starting another grade. If you feel that you will have difficulty coping, don't be! You'll always find your place. Learn to find your voice!

    I'm sure you'll do well..God bless you in 6th Grade.

    If you like, try reading Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

  6. High school is the unforgiving grade not middle school so don't worry.

    Hmm i went to 6 grade 3 years ago now im going to high school, but on my first day i was very nervous and didn't know what to do(It helps if you have freinds) so i just follow my friends cause we have the same advisorys and if you get lost just ask people in the hallway to help you, don't worry 7th and 8th graders are nice(well some) i used to ask them wheres my class when i was in 6th grade and also on first day i didn;t know hhow to open my locker so i asked for help from a 8th grader and its fine!! so what you should do is wear clothes from popular stores like hollister or american eagle for shoes buy flats or some popular brands like DCs like i did, so just go out there and have fun with your friends and make new ones, btw don't do something that poeple will label you as that forever, like if you go on the first day wearing emo clothes people will think ur emo and will label you as that in their mine be urself and you will have bunch of friends that will back you just have fun and goodluck!;)

  7. 6th grade was excellent!!  Some of the kids were more "grown-up" than others, but we all still got along really well.  I loved it!! Have fun!  Oh, and it's hard to "be yourself" at that age, because there are so many things that are changing - our opinions, our relationship with parents, with friends, with everybody!!  Don't be surprised if you go through a few "personality" changes during the year, and don't worry - it's normal!!

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