
Going into school tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I have to go to school tomorrow for an hour. It will be me and whoever is gonna be in that one class. I am in high school. Its an advanced placement class. Its my first time going to one of these types of things. I have to go for a week. I don't want to go. But i was told i have too because i am gonna be in the class. Its gonna be me and about 20-25 kids, i prob don't know. And i am wondering if i am going to be learning, or what. I mean why else would we be going in for a week and hour each day. I am just gonna bring a spiral notebook, a pen and a pencil. Thats good right?? Has anyone been to this kind of stuff??? What do you do?? I mean i don't start school school for another 2 weeks. =) But yea. What would i be doing there?




  1. you might going to meet your teachers for this year, and find out where your different classes are, since you're going into high school this year, your classes are going to be quite different this year, I would say its something lke orientation for you to see all of what you need to know ; you also could be going to see your placement for this year, there may be 2 or 3 different classes of what you want to take this year, and so you'll know where to go and which class you will attending, its a good idea to take a notebook, pen, pencil, to write down everything you'll need to remember, such as : locker #, combination to your locker (s), and you very well may have one also for physical'll have fun, getting used to where you have to go, you'll see! Just go and listen & have fun!

  2. Cool, sounds fun. You sounds a bit confused, though. If I were you, I would go in maybe 15 minutes early and ask someone in the office or the teacher (if you get a chance) what you will be doing during this pre-term week. Is it all evaluation to determine your advanced placement? Or just getting used to the new group?

    You're lucky, a lot of schools don't bother.

    If you want to be really prepared, you could also bring a calculator, a pocket dictionary, and your agenda.

    (yeah, okay, I'm a hyper-organized over-achiever)

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