
Going on first date this weekend?

by  |  earlier

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well i asked him out like 2 weeks ago and he said yes but like when we are at tennis he doesn't talk to me much and i asked him if he still wanted to and hes like yes so he wants to go but why doesn't he talk i'm pretty sure he is shy but so am i and i am worried he won't talk when we go out and it will be totally awkward. Any tips we are both quite shy i guess but i like him so much




  1. He probably is shy.

    It'll be akward at first but just start talking to him about anything, be yourself let him know that he can be himself around you too!

    when I first started dating my bf I didnt know what to say I was quiet and shy and didnt know if he would think im wierd if I say something wierd.. but i slowly just started opening up to him and was being myself  and thigns turned out fine, we are really comfortable around eachother and have been going out for 13 months lol.. he was also my first date and real bf.

  2. go to the movies... you arent suposta talk there!!

    no really maybe he just dont want to say something stupid. jut give him time and if he doesnt come around... then move on to someone way better!

  3. Communication is the number 1 priority in a relationship!! Go sumwhere where u have no choice but to speak to one another!! Depending on ur age go out for dinner! if your 16 and older go to a restauraunt! if your 15 and under go to maccas or kfc or subway or something!! then u will be in an environment where u have too make conversation!! then afterwards go for a walk together u will find out heaps about one another!! just ask questions and u will eventuall become comfortable around one another



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