
Going to America for 5 Months..?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, i am 15 and live in Australia. I am wanting to go on an exchange thing to America. I would get to go to school over there and live with an American family. =)

Bad thing is, i am worried about missing friends, family and if something happens to them i won't be here.

It is making me have second thoughts on going.

Question is..

Would you go?

Should i go?




  1. Well It's a scary thing but it its only be for five months.

    I think you should go and enjoy this chance at a wonderful experience. You can always call your family.

    Good luck!

  2. Well........... talk to your friends and family members about it. Plan everything our first. Instead of thinking about the negative things that could happen, think about the positive things. But it depends on what you plan to do and gain from coming here to the USA. America is a great place to be and I would go if I were you. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. Trust me. If something does come up, then just do what you have to do (depends on what kind of situation). You could learn so much here and you can always go back to Australia. But just think about what you plan to do here. How will you make some money and what do you plan to do here? If your still not sure what you plan to do here, then I would probably not come. The USA can be a nasty cruel place sometimes. Just think about it ok? Good luck buddy!

  3. Take some advice from a 35-year old traveler who STILL struggles with this question....yes, you should do it!  I understand, more than anyone, the fears of missing your family and friends.  And yes, that is a valid fear, you will likely go through periods of homesickness.  And yes, if something should happen, that is a horrible happened only once to me, in all my years of traveling - but you're only a flight away, you can always jump on the next flight home.  But, in all likelihood, nothing will happen, and you will have sat at home wasting a great opportunity "just in case" something happens, and then it never does.  

    Travel, in my opinion, is the single most amazing thing you can do with your life.  It isn't always easy, it can be scary or difficult - but if you are living with an American family, they'll make sure it's as easy for you as possible!  You will never, ever forget the people you meet, the places you see, and the incredible sense of freedom and accomlishment for doing something so great.  You will feel as if you are really living life, and seeing what this life has to offer, instead of just sitting at home, waiting to go out with your friends to a movie on Friday night.  

    My only regret in my life is that I had the same fears that you have right now, and they kept me from living the life I wanted to live (traveling) for a long time.  I didn't start until I was 25...and I only wish that I started as young as you.  The worst thing that could happen is you lose $2000 buying a last-minute ticket back home; everything else you can work around.  But at least you will know that you tried.  

    And now, I have seen all 50 states and 22 countries, and already have a lifetime of amazing, incredible memories - and I'm not done yet!

    But be careful - if you do it, I promise you that you will get addicted - and you'll be a traveler for the rest of your life!  

    Good luck with your decision....but my vote is JUST DO IT!!

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