
Going to Ireland?

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Are there whales there?

as in whales: splash splah

that kinda whale




  1. The best areas to observe these animals are along the southwest and west coast.  But remember these animals do not keep to a schedule and turn up anywhere and at any time.

    Ireland has some of the best whale watching in Europe, if not the world.  Whales annually migrate between frozen poles and tropics.  Those seen off Ireland are generally heading north to summer feed in “nutrient rich” arctic waters, or heading south in the autumn to tropical breeding grounds.

    Nutrients are stirred up from the seabed by currents created along the “continental shelf”, where the sea level drops to great depths.  Many of the great whales use the shelf on their long migrations and luckily Ireland is Europe’s closest land to this “whale super highway”.

    Irish waters are home to at least 23 species, almost one-third of all known cetaceans.  Some can be found throughout the year, whilst others are seasonal visitors.

    Five species of baleen whale are usually seen offshore; in order of size they are the blue, fin, sei, humpback and minke whale. The oceanic dolphin family, including the common, bottlenose, Atlantic white-sided, striped, Risso’s and white beaked dolphins, can often be seen from land. Included in the dolphin family are the pilot whales, everyone’s favourite, the killer whales.

  2. No, whales live in the ocean but completely avoid Ireland... I think the dolphins pick on them...

  3. Yes.  Whales include humpback whales, fin whales and minke whales.  You can go on whale-watching trips.

  4. haha, not on the land mass ireland thats for sure

  5. yes.......ha ha splash splash whales, i laughed my head off when i read that

  6. No, but there are dolphins in and near the Shannon Estuary.

  7. I don't know. But Ireland is pretty and cool

  8. nope..its too cold for them up there

  9. Come across and visit - you will love Ireland, it is a beautiful country and watching Whales in glorious Kerry will be 1 highlight to take back to wherever you live now.

    I came across for a daytrip 3 years ago and have been living here for 2 years now - not 1 regret, just wish I had done it sooner.

  10. Yup, in Kerry

    you can always check out this awsome site:

    Have fun there!

  11. Yes there are, here are some good sites.

  12. not on the land coz they need to keep swimin but if you stand on the coast you might see some.

    in the sea like
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