
Going to Paris in august......?

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need some suggestions of what to visit and see please




  1. if u like something a bit different go to the catacombs. they are a bit freaky but worth the visit and there are lots of nice cafes near by.

  2. Paris is a big city, an old city, and a city filled with political, cultural, artistic and literary hisatory. There are enough tourist sights to see that you could stay there for years and not see them all. (I've been visiting Paris pretty regularly for the last 35 years and I haven't seen everything yet.)

    So your question is hard to answer because to completely answer it we'd have to write a book.

    Luckily, a lot of people have done exactly that and any one of these guide books is pretty much as good as another.

    I know this sounds silly but being a "good" tourist is hard work and you should spend almost as much time preparing as you do actually being there.

    So get at least one of those books and read it. You still have at least a week or two so get busy!

    And while you're at it, if you have the time, read some of the books written by people about their experiences in Paris. there are a lot of these type of books too. Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" is a great one but even a funny book like Art Buchwald's "I'll always have Paris" is worth reading.

    Make a list of what you want to see based on your personal interests and the amount of time you have.

    For something that most tourists don't do or even know about, and if you'll be there on a Sunday night, have dinner with Jim Haynes, grand daddy of the avant garde and the 1960's. He throws a dinner every Sunday night. To get an invite check out his website here:

    If you're there on a Friday and bring along your inline skates you can go down to the Place D'Italie at 10 PM and you'll find thousands of other skaters who do a skate thru the streets of Paris. There's a police escort to clear the way. Its a great way to meet other young people.

    There's a lot to Paris that is beyond the tourist sights. Its the ambience and the attitude of Paris which need to be lived and felt.

    You should spend some time just strolling around the city to appreciate its architecture and to get a feel for its medieval layout, the Belle Epoch improvements of Baron Hausman, and the modernizations seen in places like the Les Halles Forum and the new Opera in the Place Bastille.

    You should take a little time to just sit in a cafe in the Latin Quarter or St. Germaine and people watch.

    Enjoy some of the nightlife of Paris. Not the tourist ripoffs like the Moulin Rogue or the Lido but the vast number of fantastic music venues, from the jazz joints to discos.

    Eat! And be a bit courageous. Go to places that don't cater to tourists and don't have English menus. Just point to things on the menu or, better still, walk into a cafe at lunchtime and ask for the daily special which you'll almost always see displayed on a chalk board. don't worry if you don't know what it is! Try it! The worst that will happen is that you'll have a hilarious story to tell about how you got served a calve's head with cream sauce or something else too weird for you to eat.

    Mainly, don't listen to the people who tell you Parisians are terrible people or advise staying in a tight little tourist cocoon..

    Strike up conversations with strangers, be open minded, put your map in your back pocket and just wander around, get lost, experiment, learn, take the time to really look at things.

    Mainly, enjoy yourself.


  3. Jump on the City Sightseeing Bus then when you have been round you can select where you want to visit.If you want to go up the Eifel Tower i suggest you go very early as the crowds at this time of year are immense .Also dont forget Disney Paris .Enjoy yourselves.

  4. Paris is such a wonderful city. I think you should take time to see things that are beyond the mainstream/beaten path. Lot of people miss those sights that are little harder to find.

    You might find some ideas here, they have local intros of interesting sights

  5. I know that everyone wants to see the Louvre, but honestly I thought it was boring and I enjoyed Musee d'Orsay much more! Also if you like modern art you must go to the Centre Pompidou in Chatelet.  The best shopping hands down is in Chatelet which I consider the heart of Paris. Not only is it the largest subway, train, and bus station, but it is also home to a HUGE indoor mall and out door shopping area.  

    If you are a coffee lover you MUST go to the cafe at the bottom of the Sacre Couer. Definatly the best coffee there, and I dont remember the name of the place but its right at the foot of the Sacre Couer and ask for Un cafe du lait.

    My favorite park is definatly Louxembourg gardens.  I love it there.  The park at the eiffel tower is cool to but to many people for my taste.

    I also enjoyed going to the louis vuitton store.

    its HUGE.

    hope that helps!!

  6. You'd be good seeing what everyone else sees in Paris: Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, etc.

    I'd recommend the Musee d'Orsay and Sacre Coeur as well.

  7. I suggest the Pere Lachaise cemetery--as a beautiful a place as you will see in Paris.

  8. Get lost exploring the old streets of Monmartre. It has everything from history, foodie stuff, art, music, film locations, beatiful views, and Sacre Coeur is breath taking - and I don't just mean the walk up the hill!!

    Lovely views, good vibes - apart from the guys at the bottom of the Butte who try to make a bracelet for you!!

    Enjoy, all of Paris.

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