
Gold fish help, please. :]?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I won a gold fish at a carnival. Not a big one, just one of those itty bitty ones. What should I do to take care of it? I have a bowl, with rocks. And fish food. So, I have that stuff. What do I need to do? And how often should I clean the bowl?




  1. If you have a bowl with no oxygen tank or water cleaning system and you have arranged rocks in it then you would have to clean it in every two days. Keeping rocks in the bowl makes it look nicer but it makes the water unclean.

    Feed your fish twice or thrice a day and give her the amount of food that it can consume in 2min.

  2. awwee congrats! i never win those things. i did once, but it was stuffed and i didnt find out til the guy gave it to me, so i gave it to my dog, he loves stuffed fish for some odd reason e has like 4. ugh. anyways my cousin won one and it live for 5 years! she had a 20 gallon tank, gravel, and a ton of hiding places in it. you never could find the fish cuz it hid so much! goldfish dont get up to a foot, maybe like 5 or so inches?  but ive never owned one. they only need 10 gallons per fish. not 20. so buy a 10 gallon tank some plants and a cheap filter, theres one at petsmart for like 12 bucks. if you do that maybe yours will live for 5 years too. good luck : )

  3. there is no such thing as itty bitty goldfish its just a young goldfish it will turn into huge goldfish (over a foot) if given proper care

    a carnival goldfish needs 50 gallons with a realy good filter and 20 gallons for each additional fish

    no fish should live in a bowl

    but it may survive in one until you get a proper tank

    knowing most people who i have told the same information to they wont listen they keep a fish in a bowl and it dies

    i hope you do whats best

    so it needs a proper aquarium

  4. ok firstly DO NOT get a bowl, they are VERY bad for goldfish because they still need oxygen, you should get a tank, the square ones, about 2 gallons (if very small) get your goldfish a air pump and another goldfish! Goldfish are very social, they need other goldfish as well so get him at least 1 more goldfish (about his size) defiantly decorate the tank, put rocks, for goldfish i do not recommend  gravel, they may mistaken it for food and swallow the gravel, so rocks are fine. And remember get a air pump! They definitely need air pumps. You can get really good prices, if you look in different places for some supply like (the 99Cent store) just make sure to wash all the supply you buy very good, and also purchase a water conditioner. For food normal tropical flakes are fine or goldfish flakes. DO NOT over feed. Goldfish tend to want more and more food but don't over feed the,. Feed them 1-3 times a day (3 being the most)Trust me goldfish (no matter how small) can live long, and grow big! I have a rescued goldfish that was actually first purchased as a feeder fish (very small) 3 years later has grown beautifully  is in a bigger tank, with plenty of plants, rocks and an air pump and a companion. And if you keep your goldfish happy, they will brighting up and dance every time they see you (mostly asking for food) Good Luck! Hope this helps! =]

    Very much hope that your goldfish will live long and happy!

  5. Feed the goldfish as much as it can it in 2 minutes. Feed like that for the rest of its life.

    You should clean the bowl once a week.

    Have fun with your new fish.

  6. People who win these fish at a carnival usually end up loosing the fish. These fish are not properly cared for and are deprived of oxygen and possibly not fed enough. They sit in the hot sun until someone comes by and wins them. If he should happen to survive, invest in a 10 gallon kit from walmart. Do a bi-weekly cleaning of the gravel (If the tank dirties before 2 weeks, then clean it on a weekly basis, small tanks are harder to keep clean). You should be good to go. Good luck.  

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