
Gold stick carried by egyptian kings?

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Gold stick carried by egyptian kings?




  1. Among the symbols of power in ancient Egypt carried only by the pharaoh were the traditional golden flail and shepherds hook.These symbols date from the early dynastic eras and show that Egypt was born of and agrarian culture and that life was continually sustained by the annual flooding of the Nile river

    These are associated with the legends of Osiris, the king and shepherd who was the god of agriculture and husbandry as well as the god of the underworld and brother/husband of Isis and father of the throne god Horus.

  2. Not sure which one you are referring to but gold was a very important symbol of wealth and hierarchy in the ancient Egyptian world.

    The ''WAS"

    This is a symbol of power and dominion. The ''Was'' scepter is carried by deities as a sign of their power. It is also seen being carried by kings and later by people of lesser stature in mortuary scenes.

    Flail and Crook

    A symbol of royalty, majesty and dominion.

  3. I amnot sure but it seems yes becuase our half l.E he was carring gold stick and I loved your question so and other thing the egyption was taking every thing gold and even gold of people I amnot sure but I saw that at cleopatra movie

  4. the Pharoahs didnt carry a stick .

    Anwar Al Sadat , our ex- President , carried a thin wooden stick.

    he did this as an ex-military man.

    it suited him .

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