
Goldfish trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just recently moved my two common goldfish from a 20 gallon tank with subunkins and a frog to a 2.5 gallon tank with nothing but gravel they arnt moving at all are they bored?




  1. yes i think they are bored and maybe want some plants or a big rock to entertain them and i dont know if its true bet i read that fish can DIE from bordom but i doubt i would put maybe some plants or a rock...maybe a few of those statue things are something similer.Good Luck!

  2. they are either bored or are going to die. you need a gallon of water for every inch of fish and for gold fish it is a gallon and a half for every inch

    good luck!

  3. Okay first off a 20 gallon is the minimum tank size for any goldfish, so moving them to a 2.5 gallon is going to stress them out.  Goldfish are really dirty fish, meaning they put out a lot of ammonia.  For each inch of adult goldfish you need 2 gallons of water for the fish to thrive.  So you are way overloaded for the 2.5 gallon even though you've only got the 2 fish and the frog.  Now you didn't mention if you have a filter on the smaller tank, which is going to be an absolute must for these fish.  Also, did you pour the water from the 20 gallon into the smaller tank?  Or did you start with fresh water?  I hope your fish end up being okay but it doesn't sound good.  I would go to a local pet store and get water testing strips and see what your ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels are.

  4. They'kk live just give them some time to adapt!

  5. the need a 60 gallon or more aquarium

  6. No they are not board, they are being smothered. You need to move them back to the bigger tank. You also need a filter that will filter at least 400 GPH (gallons per hour) Your 20 gallon is even small for 2 goldfish.  Shubunkin gold fish need at least 40 gallons of water per fish because of the size. Also all gold fish are huge waste makers. That is why the need of a heavy duty filter. You can use a small-medium that is for a 20 gallon but also one for a 40-60 gallon so you get the high GPH filtration. your fish will not last in that tiny bowl. Please move them back to the 20 and work on getting them a at least a 40 gallon tank with the appropriate filtration.

  7. yeah it happened but its like they go crazy when you feed em and just let em just get used to it!

  8. 2.5 gallon with others its like an isolation what to expect and with an existing subukin also a waste producer could already produce lot of waste unless your 2.5 got a filter.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  9. Do you have a filter on the tank?  I did this over Thanksgiving when I brought my fish from my classroom home and they didn't have a filter.  They were moving really slow and taking big gulps.  My brother said the water needs to be cleaned more frequently.

    Goldfish eat and p**p that is what they do.

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