
Good elemental photography poses?

by Guest32104  |  earlier

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In digital photography we have to take four picture, and edit them using photo-shop to make ourselves like the element. I'm blanking out on good poses. Need one for fire, air, water, and earth. Thanks :)




  1. images to use

    Fire :



    Earth: http://clasticdetritus.files.wordpress.c...

    For the fire make your hands like claws and make your head turn partially sideways for an evil effect. use photoshop to shadow and darken the areas around your eyes and body.

    For water look calm and look sideways to the right. make your hair flow long from the left. Add a tinge of light blue to make the effect look good.

    For air stick your palm out (as if you were saying stop) and make your hair gust everywhere like as if you were blow drying your hair.

    For earth make a pose where it looks like your smashing the ground with your fist. Keep your body facing to the ground and your head looking up. You might want to add a cracked skin effect in Photoshop for a better effect.

    Good luck.

  2. I would think the use of colour (red=fire), (pastel=air), (blue=water) and (earth tone=earth) would be more important than trying to fix images later in photoshop.

    Until I read the whole question, I was afraid you were talking about the periodic table   Now that wold be a project

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