
Good morning ozland....?

by  |  earlier

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how high are the roos jumping today?

any news to report back to hq???




  1. I was riding a roo home from work today, he jumped over a car and threw me off, i landed on my head took 12 stitches to sew me back up, but im fine now!!

  2. Well all the kangaroos are drunk so they aren't jumping today. We only have electricity on Thursdays and Sundays so I will have to wait to report to hq.

  3. Oh, how I love the Aussie humour!

    I gave all of you a thumb up.

    I liked Holly's reply the most.

  4. My Roo was bitten by a red back spider that was perched on the toilet seat this morning so I  picked a red belly black snake from the front garden latched him onto Roos spider bite and he sucked the venom out. Roo is now recouperating with Koala over some eucalyptus leaves.

  5. The roos.... not as high as the wombats. They can really hurt. Let's see... in the news: there's many many bees at my house. Eating my bee food...

  6. Good evening, its now possum time and this is when the possums come out and dance on your roof and fight. Its that loud at times it sounds like thunder when they do their dance on your roof. As for roo's?, didn't see any in town today or on my nature walk around the national park.

  7. happy to report there were none on the sydney harbour bridge today. My son, who is a rooshooer shooed them all away before the traffic started at dawn.  He has a good job and does it every day.

    Having a bit of trouble with the koala in the back yard though.

    I hung out my washing last night on the hills hoist and the koala ripped it all to shreads to use for a bed up in the tree.

  8. Higher than you could possibly imagine, Come down under and take a l@@k  

    I'll report in person, fax not working again.

  9. Good evening.

    Our kangaroos are busy getting ready for a big night out on the town.

    There may be news for you when they come rolling in after the pubs close.

    You never know what mischief they might get up to while they're out and about.

    How's things at HQ?

  10. I'm not really worried about the roos at the moment, as currently it is raining Koalas.  I am very upset as I didn't renew my koala insurance with the RACV, and now my car has koala imprints on it.  I am thinking of calling A Current Affair and seeing if they can get the insurance company to repair the dints free of charge.

    They have forecast showers of koalas clearing to gale force echidnas.  I have to stop typing now and find my echidna proof umbrella and pants.  Last time we had gale force echidnas we had to replace our water tank.... too many little holes...

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