
Good news! We're getting married!?!?!?!?

by Guest59762  |  earlier

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Wow so a little back ground me and this guy i am marrying have been on again off again since highschool. He is a truely amazing guy and has been more than understanding about letting me have my space to grow up and figure out life. As of right now we have been on again for the past few months and now he is joining the army (he was joining the airforce but the army offered a larger sign on bonus) and at the last possible minute we have decided to get married mostly for convience. Then when he gets back have the wedding we have been planning. I know i am not doing the wrong thing by marrying this guy i know he is my every thing and he is the best guy in the world. He has always been there when i needed him, he has tolerated me through some of the hardest times in life, Time and time again he shows me that he cares even though he is not perfect..

But I am nervous. not i want to call it quits nervous or is this right nervous im not sure if there is a word for the feeling. If i felt like i could talk to some one closer mayeb then some one would understand but as of right now hardly any one knows we are getting married now they only know of the wedding that is going to take place when he comes back home from the army. Is it normal to feel jittery about getting married even if you are sure of every thing? i know we are not doing things the conventional way but i am fine with that because it makes things a lot easier on me but i do not know why i feel a bit scared!

We are going friday to get the marriage liscense and there is a 3 day wait in florida so we will e married on moday august 25th. wedding to take place in january properly at a church infront of a million of our closest friends and family. a complete formal day with dinner and a recetion to follow.




  1. I think it would be unusual if you didn't feel nervous at all.  I think every bride has nerves at some point.  Not that they want to call of the wedding or think they are making a mistake. jsut a nervous feeling only another bride can udnerstand,.

    Good luck to you and congrats hun!

  2. Oh dear, I don't know what to say to you.  If you are having second thoughts, then perhaps you should wait to get married when he comes back from iraq.  Why rush into it?  If he loves you, he will probably understand.  That is my little advice.  Good luck dearie.

  3. If I can only explain to you how  I feel the exact same way. The only difference is my fiance and I have a child. I hear it will get easier. My mom tells me if I decide I don't want to then she will understand and everything will be ok. I promise things will get easier. They have for me. However, things will not be perfect until the big day. Good luck! and congrats!  

  4. please thank your fiance for his service to our country. how brave and noble of him.  

    if i was your mother i would be very disappointed that you went and did this.  you are queasy because you know this in your heart.  i have no idea how this will make things easier on you but that is not a good reason to do this.  not a good reason.  

    i dont care what he is going in for because i will tell  you this, it is not wise to get married like this.  

    please go to your parents and tell them, today right now, what you are planning and then listen to them.  they care and i care.  this is not about making a mistake, or that he is a bad guy or that you are too young, none of those things.  i know you two are fine young people.  

    but, getting married is a serious business that requires a lot more thought and preparation than you are giving it.  getting married in the church will require preparation and probably some sort of premarital counseling and instruction.  you need these before you marry.   again, i care and that is why i am answering.  

    i was once in your shoes and was very tempted to do the same.  i did not and it was a smart decision for a lot of reasons.  

  5. Wow, you must feel like you're ready to explode!

    Don't worry, this is SO normal. You are changing your entire life. If you weren't nervous, I'd think you were on drugs, or a sociopath. Congratulations! I wish I could see pictures.

  6. Great!  Congratulations!

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