
Good online highschols?

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I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go to schol online fore the rest of my sophmore year and through till graduation.. I switched schools in freshman year because the school I chose wasnt good fro me.. It was too big and I was having too hard of a time.. so I transferred to this other school and its a joke.. I dont feel like I'm learning anything remotly useful.. The teachers are all catholics who stick their beliefs down your throat and tell you that if your catholic then you should believe this this and this and if you dont then your going to h**l.. I really want to go to college so I want an online school that will look good on a college application and not some like joke school.. Does anyone know of any? (Has to be in USA)




  1. Look at

    It's based in Pennsylvania, but kids from all over the world are enrolled. There's TONS of classes to take, and you do feel like you are learning something useful.

  2. Here are some online programs you may want to look into:

    Good luck!

  3. ok i am home schooled and it is great!!

    i recomend that you check out

    its really good education and its working for me.

    if you have any questions just ask me. :]

  4. I'm sorry I only know Canadian ones.

    But, what you should do is run a google search or talk to your guidance councilor.

    If you feel that way just try to tell your mother and explain the situation to her. Homeschool is very useful for me and I do not have other distraactions.

    Best of luck!

  5. Here are some good, reputable ones:


    K12 (uses some Apex courses and some of their own):

    Florida Virtual School:

    NorthStar Academy:

    UNL Independent Study High School:

    Center for Distance and Independent Study:

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