
Good poem or cheesy?

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So i had to write a poem for my English class and I dont know it if is any good. Could you please give me your comments? Thanks

The wind's hands played with my

ringlets of curls

The wind's feet shook the tree

abundant with squirrels

The wind's mouth whistled

a subtle tune

While the winds face showed

no signs of gloom

The wind's hair sent

chills up my spine

The wind's beauty was

nothing short of devine

The wind's arms squeezed me tight

and made me laugh with glee

But through the whole affair, the wind was something I could not see




  1. I like it.

    If I were your teacher how about an A-?

    Some names...

    The Wind



  2. How old are you? If you're older than a sophomore in high school I'd say it's ok not so great, and if you're younger then I'd say it's good.

  3. F+ or D-. I got so bored that I could not even finish it.

  4. great imagery, as man others have said. i'll give it a A. good use of words as well! :)

  5. Cheesy.

  6. I really like it!  Very nice imagery!

  7. wow this is so good i think i'll use it myself.

    how about wind vs. me

    the wind and i

    grab hold of me wind

  8. Good

  9. it's really good! and if a poem YOU Wrote is called cheesy, tell them no way -its original-you wrote it yourself!

  10. Its good...has a hint of cheeziness but its good...i have always wanted 2 write a happy poem like this

  11. OMG  that is so good. i would buy ur book! OMG

  12. cheesy and predictable.

  13. Yeah it's interesting, and I think it captures the imagination. Moonfaerie x*x

  14. A little cheesy, but not bad.  I'd recommend that you reconsider some of your word choices, and find another [body phrase for an aspect/part of the wind] to replace 'beauty.'  Note:  you want 'divine' there in line 12; otherwise, your spelling is okay.

    Hands ('fingers?), feet (toes?), mouth (s/b 'lips', I think), face ('mien,' maybe?), arms; these are all body parts.  But 'beauty' isn't.  You might consider 'carriage' or 'bearing'--a phrase that relates more naturally to the anatomical anthropomorphisms around it.

    Don't take my suggestions as anything but suggestions.  It's your poem, finally.  Nevertheless, I think  you'll take some profit CONSIDERING alternatives.

  15. is it imagery? anyway. its rlly good.

  16. it good you should enter it in a contest

  17. good post it on quizilla they do poems too

  18. I like it very much.

    A few pointers

    "ringlet of curls" seems a little wordy and "devine" is spelled "divine"

    Otherwise, I really like it. The last two lines are my favorites :-)

  19. Very cool poem, I like it. I'd give you an A for it.
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