
Got any good movie ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to make a youtube kinda video. Something short and fun! And I need help coming up with ideas!




  1. First thing first. Be original. Don't look too much at others work, you might end up doing exactly what they did.

    You typed "Fun" What kind of fun? Fun where someone gets punched in the face and everyone laughs? or fun where someone says funny things and every one laughs. Or maybe even silent humor, where they simply do funny things, sort of like Laurel and Hardy.

    You also typed "Short" So I'm guessing you'd like to have a little over 5 minutes or just plain 5. So you outta get the message of what is going on to people quickly and make it clear. So there is no wondering on what's going on. Perhaps making a sequence movie, which makes an event's end start another event and eventually end the movie. Simple and simple.

    You are a girl, so you can make a movie about why boys are dumb. Take it from there, something like a boy walks down the street, trips on a rock and falls on his face. Then you pop out and say "That's why boys are dumb"

    Remember simple is best.

  2. How about a video about a guy who has nothing better to do than sit around answering Yahoo questions.

    One day he answers a question about good movie ideas and gets voted "Best Answer"

    Then he lives happily ever after.

  3. The movie can be about a murder that happened to your neighbors. The police find out and accuse you of the murder. The murder is on the loose and murdered another family. Now the killer is everywhere on the loose and now your being asked questions. If the acting is serious and the story stays true this could work.

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