
Got goats?? has a goat question?

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we just got two oberhaslis and they are the best pets. does any one know how much the will grow to weigh, right now they are like meduim sized dogs, they follow you everywhere.. so so cute odie and godie




  1. a little more then medium sized dogs, like maybe 40 to 70lbs.

    heres a picture

  2. This is a dairy goat and definitely will grow to 100 lbs or more.

    The Oberhasli is a Swiss dairy goat. This breed is a medium size, vigorous and alert in appearance. Its color is chamoisee Does may be black but chamoisee is preferred. Chamoisee is described as: Bay-ranging from light to a deep red bay with the latter most desirable. A few white hairs through the coat and about the ears are permitted. Markings are to be: two black stripes down the face from above each eye to a black muzzle; forehead nearly all black, black stripes from the base of each ear coming to a point just back of the poll and continuing along the neck and back as a dorsal stripe to the tail; a black belly and light gray to black udder; black legs below the knees and hocks; ears black inside and bay outside. Bucks often have more black on the head than does, black whiskers, and black hair along the shoulder and lower chest with a mantle of black along the back. Bucks frequently have more white hairs through the coat than does. The face is straight or dished. A Roman nose is discriminated against.

    Oberhasli - Is a dairy goat from the eponymous district of the Canton of Berne (Switzerland). Oberhasli are reddish brown in color with a black dorsal stripe, legs, belly, and face. This breed is a good choice for the person who wants a dairy goat, appreciates its vivid coloration, wants something slightly out of the ordinary, and who wants a quiet and gentle breed.

    They are a medium breed of goat and the does will be smaller than a buck or whether.  From the names, it sounds like they may be males.  If they are from good stock, they snould follow breed standards.

    Doe: 125 lb. Buck: 160 lb

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