
Grams into atoms????

by  |  earlier

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okay. sooo there's this question on my chemistry homework. it saaays:

How many atoms of sulfur are in 4.00 g of sulfur?

ummm what formula would i use for that?

the average atomic mass is 32.06




  1. 7.5 * 10^22

  2. you would use avogrados number; so: 4.00g S *  (1 mol S / 32.06g S)  *  (6.022 * 10^23 atoms S / 1 mol S). = 7.54 * 10^22 atoms S

  3. You have to convert grams to moles using the molar mass and then use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mole) to calculate the number of molecules.  

  4. 1 mole ------> Avogadro number of atoms ( 6.02 X 10^23 )

    mols in 4.00 g of sulfur =  4/ 32.06 =0.125 mole


    1 mole of sulfur -------> 6.02 X 10^23  atoms of sulfur

    0.125 mole of sulfur ---------> ? atoms of sulfur

    ?  =  0.125 X 6.02 X 10^23  =  0.751  X 10^23  atom of sulfur or 7.51 X 10^22

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