
Grand theft auto :)?

by  |  earlier

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mkay so my mom bought me an eclipse for christmas and while i dont have my license i do have my temporary permit. anyways, today i drove my car alone with out a parent which is the law and drove it to my friends house. when i got back to my house my neighbor was outside and saw me. now im afraid she is going to tell my mom and im going to get grounded. what can i tell my mom so it sounds best? some ideas: i drove up to the park in my neighborhood with my dogs because it was faster than walking. i went to go pick up a friend at the store up the street because she needed a ride badly. i know that this is lying,etc. but i really dont care nor do i have time for answers such as: tell the truth, etc. i need someone who can give me the best excuse. thanks alot.





  1. Tell the truth.

    I think it was Mark Twain who said, when in doubt, tell the truth.

    If you are caught lying, then you could get into worse trouble with your mother.

    You may be grounded for telling the truth, but what if she catches you in a lie?  She will then think you untrustworthy, and then, the keys are taken from you. . .

  2. you want someone to tell you the best lie to tell your parents because you were stupid enough to drive your car with a license.. what lie were you going to tell the police when you got pulled over, and got thrown into juvenile detention,, think about ,, use your head... think ............... think ............ think before you do something stupid like this again..

  3. First, I'd take the keys from you until you study harder and learn to punctuate better. Secondly, if you were to lie to me, I'd sell that thing in a New York minute and you'd be walking until you could afford to buy your own car and insurance.

    Should you have an accident while driving under these circumstances, in all likelyhood your insurance company would refuse to cover you, leaving Mommy dearest holding the bag for the lawsuit and all damages. You would probably not be allowed to drive until you are 18. If I were the judge, it would be 21. Then I would LMAO!!!!!!

  4. eclipse as a present for christmas.... to a kid who doesnt even have a licence.

    spoiled bratZ

  5. LIE through your teeth! lol

    say that it was an emergency your friend needed help quick


    talk to your neibor!

    say you didnt do that c**p deny everything.


    you just brang it out real quick

    Or just sat in it and it rolled out haha.
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