
Great America?

by  |  earlier

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Any suggestions for rides that aren't psychotic (raging bull) but aren't too babyish. Mention if any of them have loops also.




  1. G0ing there m0nday been there about 2 m0nths ag0. :))

    lets see here.

    DARK NIGHT: [the new ind00r r0ller c0aster]

    0Mg they made it l00k s00 scary. Buh really its not l0l.

    I jus kept saying it smells like NEW. l0l. Maybe you will like it.

    Its really n0t scary at all and will keep you smiling.

    RAGIN' CAJUN: one of my favorites.

    there is no drops at all its just al0t of twisting, turning, and spiinning. I advise you t0 sit on the end haaa. It l00ks like your gonna fall off! Its n0t tht scary buh i luv it.


    d00de that ride is funnest ride there!!! I l0ve h0w your in a flying p0sition. There is als0 a l00p that you get t0 d0 and its like your d0ing a front flip. BEWARE th0 at the end it l00ks like your g0nna hit the bars i was all like AHHH l0l. Ride that ride th0 seriously. p.s. put your hair in a pony tail cuz at the end its all flipped up l0l. [rand0m]

    AMERICAN EAGLE: wait till the night t0 ride that 0Mg n0 rides at all r0de it 2 times in a r0w :)). Well the ride g0t shut d0wn when we were waiting f0r it in the afternoon and i didnt realize h0w far away we were :(. Such a l0ng walk. Its kinda scary th0 cuz like the cart c0mes 0f the track a lil bit and its an 0ld w00den c0aster s00 it creeks and make noises l0l. N0t scary at all.[its a l0ng ride t00.]

    VIPER: i liked that better then the american eagle its an0ther w00den c0aster. Its the first dr0p is only 80 ft. I had al0t of fun on this ride its like a maze kinda sh0rt th0.

    REV0LUTION: is n0t a r0ller c0aster jus a fun ride that swings you round and round until you’re dazed, dizzy and happy. l0l I really enj0yed it.

    R0ARING RAPiDS: g0 on the ride seriously you get soaked and its s00 fun going on a boat w/ rand0m strangers l0l. Seriously n0t scary at all.

    d0nt f0rget t0 check out the free waterpark

    best answer would be g00d it t00k me awhile

    t00 write this l0l.

    WHATEVER Y00 D0. D0 N0T RIDE THE DEM0N. Y00 WILL HAVE A HEADACHE. 0Mg it hurt s000 bad :((.  The ir0n w0lf als0 d0es that buh its n0t as bad. Als0 fun cuz ur standing up!!!

  2. I'm going to assume your talking about the one in Gurnee IL since you've mentioned raging bull.

    You can try the Viper, American Eagle, The Demon is pretty tame but has a couple loops.  Raging River is always a lot of fun.  Deja Vu is an option too.

    Batman, Superman, Iron Wolf all kinda fall into the Raging Bull catagory.

  3. not fr sure sorry=)
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