
Green Tea and sugar?

by Guest56781  |  earlier

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I'm a little sick with a sore throat and i wanted 2 know if Green Tea helps to cure it and how long shud it take and how much shud i drink? Also, can i still drink it with regular sugar? i usually rip 7 packets of regular sugar or so and poor it in a regular sized coffee cup to drink and it tastes great!!




  1. Green tea with lemon squeezed into it and honey.

    The warmth of the green tea will soothe your sore throat, the acidity from the lemon will help with the irritation, and the honey will coat it.

    Drink a cup every few hours..

  2. All that sugar will negate the positives of the green tea.  Have you ever tried stevia? It's a good sweetener and not terrible for you. Here's some info about it:

    You might also consume extra Vitamin C for now.

  3. if you're sick..."drink lots of water and get a lot of rest" me it works...haha.

  4. you can take green tea not with sugar but sugar less pills?

    it is good for health?

  5. You must really dislike the taste of Green Tea. That much sugar is too much. You need to cut back on that sugar as it is an empty calorie product.

    For a sore throat the old wife's tale says to use a warmed mixture of honey and lemon.

    Nothing will CURE a sore throat. Make sure you don't have a strep throat. You would need to take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. The honey and lemon only soothes it while nature takes it's course.

  6. I've heard they do help...the antioxidants help you get rid of the virus faster + the cold drink will feel great too...the sugar will be ok as long as your drinking the green tea. if it hurts a lot take a  ibuprofen ...that will take the pain away.

  7. Green tea will help but the sugar is not a good idea. May I suggest you try a white tea. It is known to have antibacterial properties. Check it out here  you can also purchase flavored white teas to give added natural sweetness.

  8. the best thing is making Chamomile tea. Make a tea adding 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile blossoms to a pint of boiling water; steep and drink a cup every few hours.

  9. Hi christian,

    your problem is most probably the sugar.

    Sugar is not a foodstuff, it is a naturally occurring pesticide. It is produced by a number of plant special to kill aphids etc. by causing their internal organs to explode if they try to feed on that plant. It will do the same thing to you, just slower because you're bigger. Sugar will leach your body of essential minerals, destroy your immune system, rot your teeth and bones, cause artificial feelings of helplessness and depression and much more.

    In the 17th century, sugar was (correctly) classed as a dangerous drug and only available on prescription. It is, in fact, very similar to heroin in many of its effects and just as addictive. In return for financing a couple of wars, the sugar barons had this restriction on sale lifted.

    So, now you know the answer. Sencha without sugar.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  10. You're better off sweetening it with honey, it is a natural decongestant and will coat your throat.  Nothing cures a cold but time, sleep and taking care of yourself.  Personally, I swear by chamomile tea with honey and garlic and horseradish tablets with vitamin C.  No caffeine in the tea then, aiding in sleep and rest, and it doesn't matter how much you drink.

  11. yeah u can put sugar in it. but lemon tea works soooo much better than green tea to cure a sore throught

  12. Talk about undoing one thing to do another!!  Green Tea is great ,,, but SUGAR..that's going to undo not only the good affects of the tea, but it's going to destroy good nuitrients too.

    Try drinking the tea with fresh lemon...and use 1/2 as much HONEY as you did sugar.  Just get used to it with less.

    See sugar is 'refined' and not pure ... like honey (especially honey that is made locally.)   I rarely eat honey---but if I must have sweetener in anything, I use a locally grown, locally bottled honey (and stay away from big companies)...That's why I say 'get used to it'.  

    You'll get well much quicker.  It all beats prescribed drugs.

    But, even if you're really terribly sick and need antibiotics to keep from getting worse, you're still going to feel better quicker with the Green Tea (done right).

  13. HAHA, ok that much sugar is not healthy. Maybe you could try it with a little bit of milk and a little bit of sugar. Lemon tea is also really good for a sore throat. I mean honestly, I feel like just about any tea is good for sicknesses. My fav is green tea, gosh Ive been drinking it since I was 5!! lol. Hope you feel better.

  14. Ya it helps, not cure, but treats it very quick, but don't use the sugar, it doesn't help a supressed immune system at all. Drink it until you feel better, about 3-5 cups a day.
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