
Greyhound to Canada from USA?

by Guest59711  |  earlier

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how long was the wait before you can cross in to canada?




  1. It was fast before 9/11. After 9/11, everyone in the bus is checked for identification, no exception.

  2. I took greyhound from Alabama, to Ontario, don't recommend doing that, lmao. But on Aug 17th, last year, it took about 5 mins to get through the border, coming into Canada. Just have all the proper required ID's, and a good reason why you are going there. Don't forget, if you have a criminal record, you may need a  TRV, and they can deny you entry.

  3. long waits from Blaine Washington  to BC  Construction delays  You may want to use  Amtrack  from seattle

  4. First of all, it's a long and terrible bus ride with lots of transfers depending on where you're coming from.

    In terms of the wait, while everyone presents their identification to the Immigration officer, the bus is stopped and you just give him your claims card that you had to fill out. It can be any where from a few minutes or up to an hour in my case.  

    They ask for your driver's license or valid I.D. to travel (no passport needed to cross via vehicle until June of next year), maybe an hour before you get to the border town. When you're crossing customs, they already have seen your travel documents and know who they will question after your claims sheet is filled in (where are you visiting, what are you bringing into Canada, etc.) From Chicago to Winnipeg, my wait time was about an hour (I don't remember the name of the border town that we went through though).

    Greyhound is getting better and if you have a passport, it is easier for them to screen you and make sure there's no complications with you crossing the border.

    Take a book to read, or listen to your iPod or make a new friend while you wait. The wait really isn't that terrible. It's not going to be all day or anything unless you specifically have complications (criminal record, travelling with restricted goods, etc).

    If there's ANY ONE on the bus who seems somewhat shady or has problems when their information is keyed in, they will be brought into the Customs office for questioning. A man on our bus was the only one who held us up because he had recently been on parole. If it hadn't been for him, we would have gone straight through.

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