
Grls Only Please Answer.................?

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My stomach is hard and then it get soft and its getting a lit bigger I wondering could I be prego? Yes I did have a werid period that lasted for 2 days and I normal get my for 4 days and around my nipples are turning light brown. I have been eating ice cream for like almost 3 wks and eatting more Wat else could this be? My friends think I am **** Im so scared I really need help.....




  1. How old are you?  You sound like you're a teen.  Yes, you could be pregnant, it sure sounds like it.  Take a pregnancy test, and please tell your parents ASAP if you are.  

  2. I'm not sure what you mean by your stomach is hard then gets soft, but you should probably just take a test to make sure. I do know that you can freak yourself out with thinking that you are pregnant that you can make your period come late.  

  3. Wishful thinking on your part perhaps - but don't wish pregnancy on yourself until you are in a permanent relationship and have the means and maturity to raise a baby because once you have a baby its a 24-7 commitment - just as in a marriage or permanent relationship

    There is only one way to really find out if you are pregnant and that is to do a pregnancy test - because every person is different and all pregnancies are not the same as each other, it is still possible to have a period and be pregnant

    If you are not pregnant ask someone responsible to go with you to a birth control clinic to get advice about preventing a pregnancy until you are really ready for it - depending on whether you are old enough under the lawful requirements to engage in a sexual relationship - better to go this way than to bring another little person into this life with a mum who is not ready to cope with it  

  4. sometimes girls still bleed even if they are pregnant.look it up in the internet and compare what youre feeling to the signs of pregnancy or go and get a pregnancy kit to test if you not saying that you are,we do feel changes in our appetite,b*****s when our hormones are out of whack due to our be sure id go to the drugstore or havea friend do it for you if you are scared and ashamed.

  5. If you've had s*x (unprotected or otherwise) there is a chance you could be pregnant.  Go to the store and pick up a pregnancy test to see for yourself, don't rely on what your friends say.

  6. have u had s*x? if u havent den no your not preg. ... or go ask your doctor about it .. dat happens to me to but i havent had s*x yet...  

  7. You'll only know when you take a home pregnancy test. Some of your symptoms sound pregnancy related but you'll  never know for sure unless you take the test. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I'm still not showing and didn't get any food cravings until recently.  

  8. it is possible you are pregnant. I had periods during the first two months of my pregnancy.

    Take a test and even if it is negative i would still go and see a doctor or go to a clinic for a blood test to be %100 percent sure.

    Sometimes your pregnancy hormone levels are to low for a home pregnancy test to give you an accurate anwser. I had negatives for 2 tests before i finally had a positive blood test.

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