
Grounds for restraining order?

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I am very very scared my affair partner nd I broke up on MOnday but got into an argument and I contacted two of his girlfriends - just asking about his experiences with them. He got wind and is upset and threatened to file a restraining order against me - he even went on to create a 'fake' email that said "Pending Restraining Order for MY NAME" - is he trying to just scare me because I fear about my husband and family, etc? He also called me to tell him to stop contacting everyone and said the call was being 'recorded.' Does this seem normal? Is he bluffing?




  1. There no law for being a busybody. If there is violent  toward each other or to family members. Yes restraining order is issued. Right now he is a jerk. If he continues to fake the email.Use the report the abuse button on him. Then talk to a lawyer there are new laws be call in to question by the courts.Then i would seek a good marriage counsel

  2. Ok." TRO" or Temporary Restraining Order.You must file with court to get a TRO> With sufficient grounds that that the person you are getting it to has either put you in a position in which a normal person would feel threatened You have a right not to be abused. If a member of your family or household, a former household member, the parent of your child, or someone you date or have dated recently, is injuring you or threatening to hurt you physically, you can get a court order (called a "restraining order") which tells the abuser to stop.A restraining order tells the abuser (called the "respondent") to stop hitting, threatening, or harming you in any way. It can also order the abuser to stay away from you, to move out of your home immediately, or to stop coming to your home. You can also get a temporary order of custody. The restraining order also requires the abuser to surrender pistols and revolvers,If you fill out the part of the restraining order that says you are in immediate physical danger, the court may order the restraining order to start right away (this is called Request for Ex-Parte Relief). The judge will look at your application for an immediate order. If the judge is satisfied that grounds exist, s/he will grant the ex-parte order and order a hearing within 14 days. This means that the restraining order is in effect the date it is signed. If the abuser disobeys the order after a marshal has given him/her a copy of it, s/he can be arrested. here is no cost to file your application for a restraining order. And, the state pays for a marshal to serve (give the papers) to your partner in all cases,

    1. Get the forms from the Clerk's Office

    2. Fill out the forms.

    3. Write out a statement telling the dates and details of the most recent times you have been hurt or threatened by the abuser.

    4. Give the original papers to the Clerk at the Clerk's Office. The Clerk will tell you how to bring the papers to the judge.

    5. After reading the papers and perhaps asking you some questions, the judge will decide whether you should get the restraining order.

    6. If the judge signs the order, you must take the papers back to the second floor Clerk's Office. The Clerk will put on the papers a date for some time within 14 days when you must come back to court. The restraining order will automatically be dismissed if you do not return to court on the hearing date.

    7. The Clerk will then give you the original order plus 2 certified copies of the restraining order. The court should also send copies to the police departments in the towns where you live, where you work, and where the other person lives. Make sure you keep one certified copy in a safe place, and the other certified copy with you at all times.

  3. Typical.

    Women opens legs, creates problem, guy will end up in trouble, women gets no reprocussions, opens legs again.

    Repeat the above.

  4. sounds like he's bluffing, and has something to hide. restraining orders usually must be issued by a judge, evidence of some kind must be submitted, threats, violence, damage to property or reputation or stalking must be present. Why are you checking up on him? Recorded calls are not evidence in court, but can be used for a restraining order. Judges can be convinced to issue restraining orders on the basis of someones testimony, (lies) He may try for the restraining order if you bug him enough. Talking to ex-girlfriends is not illegal, and not covered by any restraining order.

  5. Okay, two things (well three, but I'll get tot he answer to your question at the end).

    1).  Good for you that you got away from the nut job.  dodged a bullet on that one.

    2).  Why would you ever cheat on your husband?  What would you do if he cheated on you and why shouldn't he do that to you now? Ever heard of karma?  If not you probably will experience it soon.

    And, here's the answer:  He can apply for a PPO, but will not likely get it.  Because he has posted your name as an email address, you actually have more grounds for the PPO than he if what you have shared is all you have done.  Also becasue of that, you now have grounds to press charges against him for slander (which in the larger picture of things, speaking historically, is pretty ironic).

  6. he has done nothing, let it go. he will as well.

    you risk everything for this turkey? you WILL lose it all.

    email is slanderous, yes. but will you prosecute and show your hand to all?

    He is full of c**p, it is all hearsay.

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