
Group Not showing up?

by  |  earlier

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I need to edit my email settings for a group I belong to & receive emails from. However, when I go into the group the screen is blank with only the group name appearing and thats it.I am not able to edit anything . I've contacted the moderator of the group and she is also confused as to why this is happening to me ? The group does also not show up on "my groups" ??? I"m confused

Any advice or hints would be greatly appreciated.




  1. For this particular problem you really do need to use the Yahoo Groups Technical Help Form  to get assistance from Yahoo Group staff members.  They will send an automated reply, then shortly after that, a real human staff member will contact you via email.   When they do contact you, make sure to reply to that email since it is coded with a ticket number and as you and the staff member email back and forth, keep replying to them so the problem can be tracked until it's resolved.

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