
Grown ladies only!!?

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Would you be mad if a 17yr old boy flirted with you, how would you feel, and what would you say to him?




  1. I wouldn't be mad and I'm not sure how I would feel, probably uncomfortable.  I would definitely not flirt back.  

  2. ignore  

  3. Seeing how the boy is not and move on.... why would it make a woman mad?  

  4. depends how old i was?  

  5. I would say "I'm sorry but I think you are mistaken on my age." (since I am short people do confuse me still for a high school-er when I am certainly not.).  I would feel annoyed at first because I am not interested in a 17-year-old.  If he persisted, depending on where I was my answer would vary.  If I had the ability to non-profanely tell him off where I was, I would.  If I was at work or some nice function, I would walk off and avoid him where I feel he does not exist on this plane at all.  I would make him very uncomfortable in this.

  6. I would not care, as long as they don't cross the line.  

  7. depends, how old are you. are they good looking? do you like them? hats your relationship with them? everyone loves a bit of flattery whether you have a boyfriend or not, good to know you've 'still got it' :D

  8. Depends on the situation. If you're older and out of his league, then ignore him. You know way too much better than him anyway. But if you feel that you're on his level, then go ahead.

  9. I would not be mad.  But I would let him know that it was inappropriate given the fact that he is under age.  I would simply tell him that maybe a younger girl in his own age range would be a better suit for him and that he should not pursue me any longer.

  10. i wouldnt give a d**n

  11. LOL omg I had this same situation once when I was in my 30's but the kid was 18 and I just let my son handle it since it was a friend of his and he basically almost killed him and that was that.  Would I be mad, nope I would just let my three grown sons handle it for me, 31, 23 and 19.  No problem.

  12. Mad? What's to be mad about? Do you understand the emotion of anger?

    No, I wouldn't be mad...I'd be polite but go about my business. At 43 I'm not the least bit interested in boys young enough to be my kid.

  13. Hm-mm, would 20 be considered grown? If so, I wouldn't be mad if a 17 year old flirted with me. I would feel uncomfortable. I would just politely tell him I'm not interested and ask him not to do that anymore the be about my merry way. =D
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