
Growth question??? (details inside)?

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I'm 15 years old goin 2 10th grade now...

I'm only 5.6ft 1/2

I didn't grow AT ALL last year

I dont do drugs, I chill wid my friends out to fast food resturaunts

I started sleeping really late around 11:30 p.m. durin the summer

I listen to music whenever I'm sleeping

And i wake up alot in the middle of the night.. its so annoyin

What do i do???? I wANNA GROWWWWWWWWWW

plz help

(i want answers with ppls' experiences too)




  1. youre 15

    give it time

  2. Excessive jerking off will give you growth spurts!

  3. ****!

    prior to what the old wives tale is

    wanking stimulates the pubic hormones, thus not only growing ur d**k size, allowing the freedom of hormone releasing (aka spanking the monkey)

    and it also stimulates all growth hormones

    well, that is the fun way

    u cud also try scientific ways, which believe me, HURT!

    btw, im 15, and 5"7-8

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