
Guinea Pigs <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Look I want a guinea pig so bad I love animals and my betta past away a week a go. My older brother has 2 mice My little brother has a betta we do have a family dog but I want a pet of my own and I really want a guinea pig !!! There is 1 big problem my parents! So can you please give any advice on how to convince them.

P.S. My parents or at least my dad are really hard on giving in2 pets so please good advice like really good advice!

P.S.S. I already looked up everything on guinea pigs so PLEASE HELP ME GET A GUINEA PIG PLEASE!!!!!!!




  1. Maybe you can try coming up with good things about g****a Pigs like if they&#039;re clean animals or they are playful or anything like that and you can sit and talk to your parents and say why a Guinea pig would be a good addition to your family.

  2. I had the same problem when I wanted a guinea pig. It took me 2 years to convince them!!! 2 YEARS! here are some ways I did it...

    1. Bargain- if you are still in grade school, tell them that you will get straight A&#039;s (or some other good GPA). At the end of the year, show them your report card and make them get u one. (u can also clean ur room and do some chores if your grades don&#039;t do the trick)

    2. Facts- give them LOADS of facts about guinea pigs. I went on a bunch of sites and looked up &quot;why guinea pigs are good pets&quot; on google. then i printed it out and make them sit down and listen to me as I read it to them.

    3. Show That You&#039;re Ready- maybe your parents think that you&#039;re to young or irresponsible to take care of an animal that &quot;big&quot; (as my parents used to tell me). do some extra things around the house to prove that you really want this guinea and u will do anything for it.

    well, that&#039;s all I have for you. I hope you get a guinea pig! I have had Pumpkin for 3 years (her birthday was Aug. 14th), so if it worked for me, then it might work for you.

    btw, visit... have the best advice and the coolest cages. I hate the pet store cages! They&#039;re too small and REALLY expensive.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  3. Read over

  4. I used to have a guinea pig and she was amazing, she was very nice and loved cuddles.  Then several years after she died, I got another one. She is just as sweet as my last one. I promise you guinea pigs are great pets and they are quite adorable.

  5. I have a guinea pig, they are sweet and if you always hold them and make them social they wont bite you they will l**k you! They need cages with out wire bottom! NO WIRE CAGE BOTTOMS! Just get a cage like this   one

    it is the same cage i started with them i got mine a new cage after a year. yo have to buy them bedding all of the time and change the bedding once a week in the place that they p**p the most then once a month dump all of it and wash the whole thing with the hose outside. Guinea pigs are a lot of fun and work!!!!!  

    If you want to convince the rents

    Tell them you will by the food, bedding, and cage and that might work.

    If you don&#039;t have the money then, just tell them you want your own pet and you want to learn how to be more responsible.

    hope this helps

  6. It&#039;s good that you are doing your research on the pigs.  That&#039;s a good start.

    The first thing I would do, if I were you, is to save up your money.  Make sure you have enough for the pig and all supplies.  You are looking at a little over a hundred bucks.  By saving your money, you are showing your parents a little responisibility.  

  7. aww...i am in the same spot as you...firstly please look to adopt don&#039;t buy pet store pigs cause they might be pregnant or mis to or and look for pets in need of a new home!!!!also check any rescues or humane societies near you because they don&#039;t always put every animal up on the website and to convince your parents....print out info and read everything 2 or even 3 times so you really know your stuff!!! i did this and my parents said yes! Also make like a shopping list of everything you will need with prices and come to a total amount...if you get allowance save up until you get the amount needed!! i found a pig on and my dad emailed the person but they haven&#039;t replied yet :[  make a daily schedule of what you do to benefit the pig like a feeding schedule and stuff...ok now what if you don&#039;t get allowance [i don&#039;t] then you need to think of a way to get could pet sit...? my neighborr is gone every wednesday so he pays me 15 dollars a month for watching his black lab...if you can&#039;t do that you could make a deal lik if you get straight A&#039;s you get 5 dollars or a $1 for every A you get and all...umm yeahh tell them how your brother has a betta and that since yours died you want a new pet... your older pet has mice so it shouldn&#039;t be that big of deal tell them that your brother has mice and you think that it isn&#039;t fair that he got mice and you don&#039;t get anything now!! Good Luck!!!

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