
Guinea pig/Rabbit info..?

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What things do guinea pigs need and whats the price for it all...

ALSO how much is a guinea pig and a rabbit together?




  1. Are you talking about keeping a guinea pig and a rabbit in the same cage? If so, it can only be a Netherlands Dwarf rabbit and the only way you can be sure of that is to go to a breeder, NOT a pet store. Any other rabbit gets too big!

    The cage shown is a decent starting set. But that's not the end of the costs. The animal itself may cost around $30; then there's hardwood chews, vitamin C, a hiding space... we're talking around $150 at least for everything needed.

    Where you REALLY want to start is with a good book about guinea pigs! Try this one:

    And yes, you're looking at twice the cost, at least, with a rabbit added in... and rabbits have different needs. DEFINITELY do your research! Good luck. :)

  2. Guinea pig care info

    Rabbit care info

    You shouldn't house them together for the reasons listed here

  3. There are a lot of options for a guinea pig I just got the basic starter kit from Petco and it worked out fine for me.

    Here it is:

    But if you look around the site you'll see that there a lot of caging options (such as double levels or more floor space) and there are also different kinds of water bottle and fod dish brands. But everything the guinea pig needs is in the kit. All you have to do is replace the food items and bedding when they get used up. (Just an idea: we stopped using the bedding it comes with and used shredded newspaper instead, it was much cheaper)

    I never had a rabbit also, I'm assuming it would cost more (probably at least double) to have both.

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