
Guinea pig diahrrea?

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What does it look like? I read on a site and it said it was a black, watery foul mess.

Does it look kinda like black pee or something?

My guinea pig doens't have it, im just being aware.




  1. Kinda but more solid with water around it.

  2. If your guinea pigs' droppings are not the normal shaped and firm droppings, there is a problem. That would mean that there is something bad going on in his digestive tract that would need a vet's attention. Ideally, you want to catch abnormal droppings long before it becomes true diarreha. True diarreha will be nasty, watery, and smelly. It can be very deadly for guinea pigs. It will cause dehydration within hours.

  3. It will be liquidy and prolly black/brown and if your piggy ever has it take to the vet asap

  4. You will really be able to know it is very watery and very very dark, if the happens take her to the vet and stuff giving her moister foods

  5. Best information out there can be found here:

    In fact, the best information on anything guinea pig related can be found on GuineaLynx.

  6. Probably similar to your diarrhea, but not in as large a quantity.

  7. Yes, it is dark and watery, and you will know if your guinnie has it, it is a HUGE HUGE HUGE mess...

  8. It looks like melted dark chocolate but isn't as appetizing. Its a good thing to be aware. Sometimes it happens by illness but most of the time by food. If you feed them lots of cauliflower or broccoli it is likely to happen.
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