
Guinea pig??????????????

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I just got a new guinea pig. he is about a month old, and just weaned. WELLLL the pet store told us he was a she....BUT we have a neutered he and a she pig. We do not want babies! We also have an extra cage that is about.....7 sq. feet that the baby is staying in now. Well, we went thro this once and got the boy pig fixed...but this was before we had the spare cage. I know the minimum for 2 pigs is 7.5 sq. feet, but would 2 males be ok in a 7 sq foot cage? They come out every day, so that not a problem. Well, we could

A. Get rid of him. already answered that. NO!

B. Get him neutered which is a few hundred bucks..i think like 200 or 300 or get another male to live with the male for 30 bucks...what would you do? I think another pig would be good, or would getting him neutered be better. I know anesthesia can be dangerous, especially to a young pig. Patches(The neutered male) Was quite a big older when we neutered him. So what wouls you do after looking over all the options?




  1. Buy another cage.  I would not go through the expense of having the new GP fixed.  A 7 foot cage is huge for two pigs.  My cage was a little over 3 feet and was fine.  My pigs lived to be about 8 years old.  They were happy and well adjusted.  

  2. B.

    But don't get him neutered. My guinea pigs are like that and they are 3, so, no worries.

  3. wow, that's hard, this is what i would do....

    id get another cage and put it right buy the other cage (it helps the guineas to get used to one an other). And when hes a little older, id neuter him. i hope this helps!

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