
Guinea piggies and the vet?

by  |  earlier

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You know how dogs and cats go to the vet to get vaccinated and things like guinea pigs need to do the same sort of stuff? or do they jsut go if they are sick??

please help, new piggy owner here :)




  1. There aren't any vaccinations available or needed for guinea pigs. They're one of the easiest pets to keep in that respect. You just take them to the vet when they seem ill. Most of the time we see guinea pigs for mites or other skin troubles, sometimes respiratory illnesses.


  2. I have 2 guinea pigs and have had about 5 other ones, but they died of old age... anyway you only need to take your guinea pig to the vet if it is sick of somesort

  3. GPs do not need shots. But they should go in for a yearly check up and when they are ill

  4. I'v never herd of any one gettng there guinea pigs vaccinated, but it is possible, yes you should go to the vet for a regular chech up every 6 -8 months

  5. I think you can  get them vaccined. Did the person you got it from say you have to?

  6. Guineas don't need vaccinations. Any worming medications you might find on the market are useless and unnecessary. When I first got mine, I took them into the vet to kind of set them up and get them registered into the system. They send a reminder once a year for a check-up, but if you don't want to go you don't have to. It can be good sometimes, as a guinea savvy vet may detect early signs of disease or infection. They can also check areas of your pig (especially the mouth) which you as the owner can't check. They can also monitor any dramatic weight change and have all your pig stats on record. If you see anything out of the norm or even slightly suspicious, get on the phone to your vet and ask them if you should go in for a consultation. Something as simple as a wet bottom and blood in their uring can mean a UTI, coughing and raspy breathing can be a URI, and trouble/unwillingness to eat can be anything from a dental problem such as malocclusion to anorexia. Check care and medical guides if you want to research these terms more and get great advice on guinea pig care and health. This link: gives you a list of symptoms and possible illnesses that cause them if you're in doubt. Pay close attention to your guinea's routines and behaviour, and take any change as suspicious. Monitor water bottle levels and eating habits closely. Hopefully, you will never need to go to a vet to treat a sick pig, but if you do, it's very helpful to have your guineas name down there on record to make it easier. Also, going to a yearly check-up gets you acquainted with the vet, and the experience won't be so daunting.

    NOTE: FIND A GUINEA PIG VET! I can't stress this enough! So many people just take their guinea pig to a regular cat and dog vet, who lacks the experience necessary to properly diagnose and treat your pig! If you care about your pigs' health, take them to an exotics vet (specialising in rodents, occasionally birds, and reptiles) with the proper qualification.Check this list:

    I'm in Brisbane, Australia and take my guineas to a specialty exotics vet who has many qualifications and loads of experience. It really helps to have a vet that knows what they're doing and has the tools and equipment needed!

    Hope this helps.

  7. If you don't cut there nails your self you should bring them there. Careful not to cut to much of cause it hurts them alot. There are no vaccinatations enless they get bit by mice with rabies. Then can get sick but not easily. Careful they have bad backs.

  8. guinea pigs dont need to be vacinated. some people say 'bring ur guinea to the vet every year' but u dont really have to do that. u should only bring ur guinea piggy to the vet incase of an emergency or if u want, a check up. but really guineas dont need to go to the vet (only if they need to ;)

    well i hope this helps!

    good luck with ur pig!

  9. 3 reasons to go to the vet.

    1 to get them fixed

    2 if they are sick

    3 to let them stay there when you are away

  10. I have three and really you only have to take them if there is something wrong. Find a vet near you that takes guinea pig because not all vets do. You can ask there about Guinea pigs going to the vet, just to make sure.

  11. They need to go to the vet every 3 months for a worming (if you don't do that yourself).

    Some people may also take them for a check-up. I've had experience with guinea pigs long enough to know when they are ill though, so I just go every 3 months for their worming.

  12. I would take them to the vet to get them registered and for an initial check-up.  After that you can take them for a yearly check-up if you want to but it isn't usually necessary.  They don't need any vacinations.  I just take mine to the vet if they look sick or injured.

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