
Guitar for a young girl?

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My 9 year old daughter wants to learn to play guitar. What type of guitar do I need to be looking at? She of course only cares what it looks like (especailly if it says Hannah Montana on it) but I want something that is the right size and type for her. We are going to get her guitar lessons also. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I don't know anything about guitars. Thanks




  1. you should go to a guitar center store near you and ask the workers what they recommend for your daughter. be sure to take your daughter with you so they could see what kind of size she might need for her size

  2. just get her a cheap guitar (but not just some POS) start her with an acoustic to get her calluses build on and then when she gets rlly good get her an electric and idk wat to tell u about lesssons i tought myself how to play

  3. If she wants one that looks cool let her.  You can spend as little as you want on the first guitar because you don't know if she is going to stick with it or not.  Get her a kids guitar.  It will be the right size and everything.  If she decides to continue with the guitar after she has had some lessons then you will want to take her to the music store and shop for something better.  Yamaha is the most common and has a reasonable price range.  But go cheap for the first one.

  4. here: you might want this cheap one

    one of the best selling "and cheapest" guitars. though if she gets more expirienced, get her a good/more decent one (300-400 $) say...if she sticks to guitar for at least 3 quarters of a year. you'll also need to get an amp, which you can find cheaply on the same site. such look around, read the reviews, and it'll help you choose!

    good luck!

    oh- you'll also want to get cables, a tuner, and should actually visit the nearent guitarcenter and ask them what you need to start playing. you might want to look into starter packs-which are on the same site as the link i provided.

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