
Guns which are the best?

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What are the best guns??

I mean sniper guns or pistols or rifle,machine guns etc.

I know the classics like a desert eagle, ak47, trg, dragunov,etc

What are the best guns in the world and can you give me the specs and the picture too. can you give me in each class




  1. A good big game hunting rifle would be a Springfield m1a 308 rifle. Also look at troy stocks and Leopold scopes.

  2. I agree with baldie, all of your other questions are about video games.

    Are you looking for information so you can pick a firearm for hunting or for your video game?

    classics like a desert eagle, ak47 ??????

    Desert Eagle and the AK's are not classics

    classics are the

    Colt Peace Maker

    Springfield .64 caliber muzzle loader

    And by the way, a Gun is what shoots 100 pound rounds off of a ship. Firearms are what we use to hunt with

  3. Please do not give me thumbs down, I just want to answer him the way he asked: OK the best gun for hunting is an AKS-74U in .50 BMG w/ a Desert Eagle in .50 AE attachment under the barrel. Also carry some Frag. grenades in case it gets risky. And get an Abrams tank w/ APFSDS-T rounds for your hunting vehicle so you can take out elephants to. For a backup gun get a Minigun in 7.62x51mm w/ a AGS-17 automatic

    grenade launcher under the barrel.      

    Get the picture?  

  4. First you have to define what you mean by best; and what criteria needs to be addressed; and in what context; and time span; plus expected utilization in the most common binary mode.  

  5. Not to be mean or a pain, but that's way to broad of a question.  This site is for getting questions answered, not research.  You could come back and ask something like, "Remington and Savage seem to be both pretty good guns.. which one do you like better?"

    Your question makes you sound lazy (but I don't know you, I'm just saying what your question made you sound like).  Not to mention, I wouldn't trust other people's answers.  A lot of people on the net don't know what they are talking about.  

    Even still, you can't say one firearm is "best"... they each have their own strenghts and weaknesses that make them useful in certain situations, but not others.  Product differentiation from Business 101.

  6. There's really no such thing as the "best," because it depends on what you want to do with it, and your own taste.

    Among the inexperienced, the .50 BMG, Desert Eagle, Druganov, etc seem to come up a lot. While I've at least seen the first two, none of these are very popular in terms of actual ownership and use.

    My opinion is that the .45 ACP 1911A1 is the best pistol ever made. However, I carry a S&W M&P compact in a .40 caliber. Why? Because it is best for what I use it for, and fits my expectations of a concealed carry weapon. So in truth, I can't even answer that question.

    If helpful, my favorites are the Remington 700 (7mm Rem Mag or 30-06) rifle, 1911A1 pistol, and M240B MG (I'm in the Army and this is my favorite, though most people will prefer the .50 cal M2 just because it's a .50).

    There's not really such a thing as a sniper rifle, as distinguished from a rifle. It's just a rifle used for sniping. I guess if you wanted to distinguish battle rifle, I'd go with the M1 Carbine. I'd take it over my M4 any day.

    Hope I helped.


    Ok, the details help, but why ask about machine guns? I'm pretty used to seeing newcomers ask about odd things like this, they're still developing their interest in firearms. But asking about machine guns and then explaining it as a hunting question is very strange. And that Remington 700 CDL is still my pick. I'm told that out to 1,000 meters it can bring down medium game. Of course I've never tried that, but it's a tack-driver for sure.

  7. i could tell you, but i don,t know you. you might want to shoot people at a school. there has been too many school shootings as there is already.if i knew for sure you wanted it for hunting game, then i would tell you. sorry, but i,am afraid to tell you.

  8. If your Dad is like me, he is particular about his rifles.   A good rifle is not free.  Do not get him what you think he MIGHT like.  Do due diligence and find out what he likes and wants.  A good tactic is to tell him you are shopping for yourself if you are a hunter and get his advice on what is "best".  Find out what he already has and what else he wants.  If you play this smart, you will give your Dad one of the best presents he has ever gotten.  

  9. He needs a MK19 MOD3 40mm grenade launcher.

    Anything else would be a slap in the face to him, and a strong insult to his masculinity.

  10. O.K. now with some details we can help you, but more is needed. Are you down south where a 100# deer is big or up north where 200+# is big. What ranges are you talking about? Heavy cover where a 30 yd. shot is the longest you could take or out west where 1/4 mile is average? The type/caliber of the gun depends on the situation it is used in. I hunt in an area where I may take a 30 yd. shot or a much longer one and I plan ahead so I take the approipate gun. With more info we can help you.  

  11. For deer hunting, the classics are still well thought of. Find out what he is using now since he hunts deer. He probably has at least one good rifle in the rack.  Pre '64  Winchester 70 in .30-06 is a classic.  I've always wanted a Weatherby MkV  in .300 mag.  Both are good bolt action rifles from my youth.  Nostalgia I guess. All of those you list are media hypes that are more for a military or commando use. Hunting involves the chase more than the kill.  

  12. If your dad doesn't have either the Speer Reloading manual, or Cartridges of the world, both have plenty of cartridge lore for him to ponder for many evenings to come. or their Google competitors have great libraries. Regards, Larry.

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